- The radiation patterns and directivities of a dipole antenna and antenna arrays excited by sinusoidal and walsh waves are compared. 对偶极子天线和天线阵列用正弦波和沃尔什波辐射时的方向图和方向性系数进行了比较。
- Experimental results revealed that the presence of the balun improved the measurement accuracy of the radiation patterns of printed monopole antennas. 实验结果亦显示出双频巴伦改善了天线辐射场形的量测。
- The variations of the radiation patterns depend on many factors, such as position of the primary source, the f/D ration, and so on. 而天线辐射场型之变化与许多因赤有关,如主波源之位置,焦距与孔径之比率等。
- The frequency response of radiation pattern of a linear dipole antenna by Hertz dipoles field summation approximation. 分析赫芝偶极电磁场合成法计算偶极天线之辐射场型随频率之变化。
- Extended view of Usher beryllium tweeter More than any other audio component, the loudspeaker comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, radiation patterns, and driver technologies. 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
- Planar Radiation Pattern Comparison only for Consistent Source Current Direction, Field Polarization, and Field Plane. 作平面场型比较之电流源方向、电磁场极向、及场平面均必须一致。
- Cosecant Beam Generation Program for computing Phase distribution function and Radiation pattern. (译):余割波束生成程序的计算相分布函数和辐射模式。
- Furthermore, the radiation patterns in far field of an ultra-shortwave antenna mounted on a ship model with the comparative size as real ones are calculated. 在此基础上;计算了一个尺度与真实尺寸相当的舰船模型上超短波天线的远场辐射特性.
- Rotating Radiation pattern from a Linear Array complete source code, has been tested. (译):旋转辐射模式从线性阵列完整的源代码,已经过测试。
- The work includes several types of antenna measurements like efficiency, radiation pattern, VSWR and SAR. 负责一些天线指标的测试。例如,天线效率,辐射,VSWR,SAR等。
- The cavity model is used to divide antenna structure into five regions in order to compute antenna parameters such as resonant frequency, electric field and radiation patterns. 其中空腔模式分析法将天线结构分成五区以处理其共振频率,电场及辐射场等各种天线参数。
- It incorporates the spherical nature of the radar's radiation pattern and so the image would not distort even at near field. 这种方法考虑到了波前的球面特性,所以即使在近场条件下,也不会像传统方法那样由于采用了平面波近似而使图象畸变。
- A calculation method and calculation results that show that a new kind of shaped paraboloid antennas can produce a ringy radiation pattern is presented. 摘要通过数值计算发现:将抛物线绕通过焦点的非抛物线对称轴旋转而形成的赋形抛物面天线可产生环状的方向图主瓣(此主瓣指的是主瓣最大值处)。
- Verification of differences of characteristics of electromagnetic field image and radiation pattern in the near and far field are demonstrated. 验证电磁场影像及场型特性在近场与远场中之差异。
- The radiation pattern in the near and far field of each frequency component of the spectrum of current pulse on a transmission line. 传输线上脉波电流频谱中各频率成份在远近场区中场型之比较。
- A new method to determine the mode content in over-moded rectangular waveguide by radiation pattern and Genetic Algorithm (GA) was presented. 摘要提出了一种基于辐射场和遗传算法分析矩形波导中工作模式的新方法。
- The antenna parameters such as VSWR,gain and radiation pattern are calculated and the dimension of the antenna is optimized based on the simulation. 通过仿真计算优化了天线各部分的尺寸,计算了天线的驻波比、增益和方向图等参数。
- The Koch and 3/2Curve fractal unit are applied to Yagi-Uda antenna, the performance like impedance characteristic and radiation pattern is simulated by CST MICROWAVE STUDIO? 接着将Koch曲线和3/2Curve分形单元应用到八木天线中,通过CST MICROWAVE STUDIO?
- The conditions of the highly directivity is shown, and numerical simulations are carried out, and then, the radiation pattern and directivity is observed in the certain bandwidth. 本文的第三部分研究了利用线介质来构造高指向天线,并进行了数值仿真,得出其辐射模式并观测某一个带宽内的方向性。
- The paper studies three key problem of base station array antenna for mobile communication, controlled radiation pattern, beam width and passive intermodulation. 本文研究移动通信基站天线中的三个关键问题,波束赋形、波瓣宽度、无源交调。