- radial eccentric heat pipe 偏心径向热管
- Harbin DawnHappy Heat Pipe Technology., Inc. 哈尔滨晨怡热管技术有限公司。
- Capabilities and management of a heat pipe cooling device. 加热管制冷设备的功能和管理。
- The heat pipe shall be packaged not to be damaged in transportation. 热管在运输过程中包装不应受到破坏。
- The dimensional attributes of this heat pipe shall conform to the following drawing. 热管的直径及大小和下图一致。
- The study of high freezing-rate facilities using Natural Coldness Resource (NCR) was analyzed according to the heat pipe technique in this paper. 摘要通过试验并加以理论分析,研究开发高结冰率的自然冷源贮藏设备。
- The high temperature heat pipe fin (HTHPF) is quite a short heat pipe with liquid metalmedium. 高温热管翅是一种极为短小的、以液态金属为工作介质的小热管。
- A mini-ejector and a heat pipe with capillary structure in this new system perform a flow cycle of the working fluid. 该系统利用喷射器代替压缩机,利用热管内的毛细芯实现工质循环。
- This study reports the investigation of the heat transport capacity enhancement in miniature loop heat pipe (mini-LHP). 本文旨在研究小型化迴路式热管之热传增强效应。
- According to the process of the air-textured yarn,the heat pipe is designed and illustrated in detail. 根据变形纱的加工工艺,设计了热管加热器,并对其结构进行详细的说明。
- The application research on the heat pipe technology in the reactors of ethyl-benzene dehydro... 介绍了热管技术在乙苯脱氢反应器、环己醇脱氢反应器、均苯四酸二酐反应器以及氨合成塔中的应用研究。
- How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!
- Improvement of PLC control system on new steam soot-blower in heat pipe preheater is introduced. 介绍了可编程控制器在新型蒸汽巡扫吹灰装置中的应用与改进。
- Discrete design model of heat pipe GGH is introduced and a VB program is compiled to test its correctness. 因此非常有必要对热管式GGH的腐蚀问题加以分析研究,以期能对实践有一定的指导作用。
- Some certain regularity of the dryout position was found when the naphthalene heat pipe was at the heat transfer limit. 根据萘热管的工作温度范围,对萘热管小倾角放置时的传热极限进行了实验研究。
- Nelson L A,Sekhon K S,Frita J E.Pirect heat pipe cooling of semiconductor devices.[C]. 国防科工委军用标准化中心全国军事装备可靠性标准化技术委员会.;电子设备可靠性热设计手册实施指南[S]
- A somewhat eccentric man, especially an old one. 怪癖的老人行为有些古怪的人,尤指老人
- She can't just be written off as an eccentric recluse. 不能仅仅把她当成一个古怪的隐居者。
- The old lady is a bit of an eccentric. 这位老太是个有点古怪的人。
- My neighbor is an eccentric young man. 我的邻居是个古怪的年轻人。