- Radar Detection Probability of Aircraft under Active Jamming 飞机在有源干扰保护下的探测概率研究
- Computation Model of Radar Detection Probability With Various Distance 一种不同距离的雷达检测概率计算模型
- Radar Detection Probability Model under Complex Electromagnetic Environment 复杂电磁环境下的雷达探测概率模型
- radar detect probability 雷达发现概率
- The detection probability calculating method about low pulse repetition frequency(LPRF) PD radar against air vehicle is studied. 提出了低脉冲重复频率(LPRF)PD雷达探测飞行器目标的发现概率计算方法。
- The detection probability of the shipborne radar is of great importance for improving the single ship s combat efficiency. 如何提高单舰防空作战效能,舰载雷达发现目标的效率是衡量总体效能的一个重要指标。
- Of course, we also can decrease the probability of false alarm and increase the radar detect performance, so the dada processing of the radar is very important. 它对雷达信号处理后的数据进行合理、有效的整理和关联,进而给出目标飞行物的运动航迹。
- Radar detection data is also fused into the algorithm to improve the accuracy and speed of vehicle detection. 为提高车辆检测的准确性及效率,在算法中融合了雷达的探测数据。
- Increa-sing the click repetition rate can improve the detection probability of positive reaction of ABR. 表明患高脂血症的中老年人听功能早期有潜在性减退,增加短声重复率能提高ABR阳性检出率。
- However, the detection probability of local sensors generally is a priori unknown for an uncooperative target. 然而,对于非合作目标而言,局部传感器的检测概率往往是先验未知的。
- In the past decades, the Air Force has been using balloon-theodolite measuring method in weather observation, radar detection and so on. 空军在气象观测、雷达探空等工作中,多年来一直采用气球结合单经纬仪的测量方法。
- My elder brother is a radar man. Every time he goes home, I always importune him to tell me about stories of radar detection. 我哥哥是个雷达兵,他回家时我总缠着他给我讲雷达侦察的事情。
- The correct detection probability,false alarming probability and mean acquisition time of the proposed method was derived. 给出了该算法的检测概率、虚警概率和平均捕获时间等公式.
- The simulation results show that this algorithm has a high detection probability, a high parameter measuring precision and a fast calculation speed. 仿真结果表明:极值序列分析法对雷达脉冲信号的检测概率高、参数测量精度高和处理速度快。
- The experimental results showed that this method has higher detection probability and satisfied with system accuracy and robustness require. 实验结果表明,该算法具有较高的检测概率,能够满足系统的精度和实时处理要求。
- The benefits of adopting multi-beam formation technologies for improving radar detection performances and ECCM capability are discussed as well in the paper. 讨论了采用多波束形成技术对提高雷达检测性能与电子反对抗的能力。
- In cooperation target heterodyne detection system, the emitted energy is increased by 30%, detection probability is also increased greatly. 讨论了马卡望远镜在外差探测系统离轴使用时,发射能量提高,但外差效率下降的原因;
- An inflatable wing aircraft is one type of the promising aircraft for the ability in reducing weight of configuration and avoiding from radar detection. 摘要为了减少无人机的结构重量,提高雷达隐身能力,充气结构机翼无人机是一种很有发展潜力的飞行器。
- Thus, a Censoring based Mixed Fusion (CMF) is proposed, which is simple and does not need the detection probability of local sensors. 因此,该文提出了一种基于删除的混合融合CMF准则。它不需要局部传感器的检测概率,且实现简单。
- The affects of polytropic plus integration number and low sidelobe level were considered in the detection probability calculation. 考虑了相控阵雷达多变的 脉冲积累数和极低的副瓣电平对发现概率的影响。