- He put his bag on the luggage rack. 他把包放在行李架上。
- The old empty house soon went to rack and ruin. 这所旧的空房子很快就毁坏了。
- The house went to rack and ruin. 房子荒废了。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- Many trees were twisted by the rack of the storms. 很多树被风暴摧折。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- I am on the rack during the entire examination. 在整个考试过程中,我的心情十分紧张。
- I must buy a tube of toothpaste. 我必须买一支牙膏。
- He lies there groan like a prisoner stretch out on the rack. 他躺在那里呻吟,就像一个囚犯被绑在肢刑架上。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。
- A glass tube for enclosing the flame of a lamp. 玻璃灯罩围住灯的火焰的玻璃管
- Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky. 在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。
- The home team rack up fifty points in the football game. 主队在那次足球赛中得到五十分。
- The tube was sealed off by fusing the material together. 管子以熔合管端的方法封闭起来了。
- He slipped the telescope into a steel tube. 他将望远镜收进一根钢管内。
- The tube is sealed at both ends. 这管子两端是密封的。
- The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube. 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。
- Suck on the tube to draw up the water. 用管子把水吸上来。
- She bought a tube of toothpaste. 她买了一管牙膏。
- Put these tools back in the rack. 把这些工具放回架子上。