- It shows why government programs never seem to produce the results that were promised - why laws to make America "color blind" lead to racial quotas, 第一章解释了政府的计划为何总是失败,为何它允诺的结果从不会兑现,以及打算把美国改造成“无肤色歧视”的法律却会导致基于种族考虑的配额
- This hatred was generated by racial prejudice. 这种仇恨是由种族偏见引起的。
- Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me. 我对种族偏见深恶痛绝。
- We should not have racial discrimination. 我们不该有种族歧视。
- We are still a little shy of our quota. 我们离完成定额还差一点点。
- The *authorities have ruled against racial and ethnic quotas. 当局已下令,禁止种族与族裔的配额。
- The quota on import cars has been lifted. 对汽车的进口配额已被取消。
- We are strongly opposed to racial discrimination. 我们强烈反对种族歧视。
- Grain imports are controlled by strict quotas. 谷物进口量受最高限额的严格控制。
- He was a sturdy fighter for racial equality. 他是一个为种族平等而奋斗的坚强战士。
- We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们坚持种族平等的原则。
- Each has his quota of work for the day. 每个人的工作日都有定额。
- This practice went unchallenged until 1978 when the Supreme Court ruled that,although rigid racial quotas were unconstitutional,universities could take race into account since there was a 这种做法直到1978年时才受到质疑,因为这一年最高法院裁定,在录取新生时,虽然规定严格的种族配额不符合宪法,但是大学校园仍可以考虑种族因素,因为在美国大学对促使校园中能有多种民族有极大的兴趣。
- A new law has been brought in to discourage racial prejudice. 一项反对种族歧视的新法律已被提出。
- The committee reversed its decision on import quota. 委员会取消了对进口货物的配额的决定。
- Genuine racial equality still seems light-years away. 真正的种族平等似乎仍遥遥无期。
- He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination. 他极端反对种族歧视。
- Our group fulfilled this month's quota ahead of time. 我们组提前完成了这个月的定额。
- He made a speech hitting out at racial discrimination. 他做了一次猛烈抨击种族歧视的讲演。
- The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato. 种族歧视问题是政治上的棘手问题。