- They gave me a quotation for mending the roof. 他们给了我修理屋顶的报价单。
- He gave me a quotation for mending the roof. 他给我一张修缮屋顶的报价单。
- The insurance company require three quotation for repair to the car. 保险公司要三家修理这辆汽车的报价单。
- Thank you for your quotation for the refrigerators. 感谢你方寄来的电冰箱报价函。
- But I shall prefer to have your quotation for cash. 但是,我仍希望得到该商品的现汇交易的报价。
- Will you give us a quotation for leather shoes? 贵方能否提供我方皮鞋报价?
- Wait a moment; I'll look up the quotation for you. 等一会儿,我给你把这段引文查出来。
- The Israelis had made a preliminary request for hardware. 以色列人已经提出了关于供应重武器的初步要求。
- Can you give me a quotation for building a garage? 你能不能给我一张建造汽车间的估价单?
- His quotation for painting my house was too high. 他为我油漆房子索价太高。
- We thank you for your inquiry of August 10th for hardware. 感谢贵方8月10日对五金器具的询价。
- Wait a moment.I'll look up the quotation for you. 等一会儿,我给你把这段引文查出来。
- They gave me a quotation for the software. 他们给了我那个软件的报价。
- Zip--A practical manual for hardware bus connection. 硬件总线接口实用手册。
- They send in their quotation for the job. 他们寄来做该工作的报价。
- The algorithm is suitable for hardware implementation. 该算法适于硬件实现。
- This is the lowest quotation for silks. 这是我们对丝绸的最低报价。
- Please send us your quotation for the following: . 请提供下列货物的报价:。
- Can you give me a quotation for builing a garage? 你能不能给我一张建造汽车间的估价单?
- We prefer to withhold quotation for a time. 我们宁愿暂停报盘。