- I felt myself quite another man. 我感觉自己变得判若两人。
- It was quite another story for English farmers. 对英国农民来说,那完全是另一回事了。
- To know is one thing; to teach is quite another. 知道是一回事,教又是另一回事。(学者未必是良师。)
- What to do is one question, and how to do it is quite another. 应该做什么和应该怎样做是完全不同的两个问题。
- That's quite another pair of shoes. 完全是另一回事。
- That be quite another pair of boots. 那完全是另一回事
- Romance is one thing, marriage is quite another. 爱情是一回事,婚姻却是另一回事。
- Heterosexuality is quite another matter. 异性恋则完全是另一码事。
- Mr Wade thought his child had a fever but the doctor found the disease quite another thing. 伟德先生以为他的孩子发烧,可医生发现那根本不是发烧。
- I expected something from you in quite another quarter. 我还以为你打的是另一个主意呢。
- But if we judge by essentials,it is quite another story. 但若从实质上看,便大大不然。
- To read English is one thing, and to speak it is quite another. 读英语是一回事
- Knowledge is one thing: the opportunity to use it is quite another. 知识是一回事,而使用它的机会完全是另一回事。
- But the picture outside this place is quite another story. 可是在其他地方,情况却完全两样了。
- But if we judge by essentials, it is quite another story. 但若从实质上看,便大大不然。
- But freedom is one thing, advisability quite another. 但自由是一回事,明智则完全是另一回事。
- That's quite another matter. 那完全是另一回事。
- It is one thing to own a library; it is quite another to use it wisely. 有一个图书馆是一件事,而明智地使用它则是另外一件事。
- So far as the "Cultural Revolution" is concerned,that is quite another matter. 至于“文化大革命”,那是另外一回事。
- He was altogether above the respetable average; quite another affair. 他大大高出于普通人之上,全然与众不同。