- Queuing Machine Used in Bank Service Management 银行排队机在金融管理中的应用
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- The queue of prisoners shuffled towards the door. 那队囚犯拖着沉重的步子向门口蹭去。
- People are queuing to buy tickets. 人们正排队买票。
- I don't much like this queuing lark. 我可不太喜欢排队的事。
- Please keep me a place in the queue. 排队时请给我占个位置。
- The new grinding machine passed all tests. 这台新磨床通过了所有的试验。
- A lot of people were queuing for the film. 许多人排队等著看那部电影。
- He needn't have stood in a queue, he should have got it from the machine. 他没有必要排队,他应当从售票机上买票。
- They're queuing up to see a film. 他们排著队等候看电影。
- Oil feeds into the machine through this tubing. 油经过这个管子流入机器。
- Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine? 你以旧缝纫机折价换新合算吗?
- We were at the tail of the bus queue. 我们立在公车候车队伍的末尾。
- You may stop the machine by pushing this button. 按下这个按钮你就可以关掉这个机器。
- The queue shuffled forward slowly. 排长队的人拖著脚步往前蹭。
- Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。
- The machine cast up a big heap of earth. 机器卷起了一大堆泥土。
- The machine feeds back everything you need to know. 这架机器可以把你所需要知道的全部材料再提供出来。
- The machine is used to rip up the documents. 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织出新布提供纤维的。