- quaternary protein structure 四级蛋白质结构
- Membrane protein Structure And Topology. 膜蛋白结构和拓扑学分析。
- Principies of Protein Structure Using the Internet ENGLISH. 关于使用互联网介绍蛋白质结构时的一些原则及建议。
- Finite element study of protein structure under high pressure. 高压下蛋白质结构的有限元研究。
- Structure Domains in Protein Structure and Function. 蛋白质结构与功能中的结构域
- Protein structure prediction is an important task in bioinformatics. 蛋白质结构预测是生物信息学的一项重要任务。
- Example problems include protein structure, genomic analysis, single molecule biomechanics, and biomaterials. 范例问题包含蛋白质结构、基因体分析、单分子生物力学及生医材料等。
- Why predict and design protein structures and complexes? 为什么要进行蛋白质及聚合物的结构预测和设计?
- Caspase family is highly similar to the protein CED of Caenorhabditis elegans on gene sequence and protein structure. Caspase是与秀丽隐杆线虫死亡蛋白CED在基因序列和蛋白质结构上高度同源的一个蛋白家族,该家族蛋白是细胞凋亡执行的重要分子,直接参与凋亡启动、凋亡信号传递及凋亡效应过程。
- Bioinformatics softwares were used to analyze the P30-CTX complex gene and to predict the coded protein structure. 使用生物信息软件分析P30CTX复合基因,预测编码蛋白结构。
- Various helical rich protein structure models will be used to reveal the properties of protein helices. 不同螺旋的富含蛋白质结构的模型将会用来展现蛋白质螺旋的特性。
- For anyone interested in seeing their protein structure predictions using a molecular viewing program, we've posted instructions here. 如果你想用分子查看器看一下自己的蛋白质结构预测情况,我们为你准备好了一篇相关的指导文章
- Hemoglobin and other protein structure; enzyme activity; and chemistry. Special tests detect substances characteristic of specific infections. 血红蛋白和血中其它蛋白质的结构;的活性;以及化学成分等。此外,在某些专门的感染时,血中存在一些特征性物质,则要做专项检查。
- It's called the Community-Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction, or CASP. 其全称是圈内蛋白质结构预测技术评估试验,缩写为CASP。
- XRD data showed that the partial ordering of gelatin protein structure decreases with the increase of calcium content added. 射线衍射资料表明:随着照相明胶中加钙量增加,明胶蛋白结构的局部有序性减低。
- Another purpose is to provide new insight into temperature and acid induced protein structure and denaturation by using 2D IR spectroscopy. (2)重点概述二维相关红外光谱在研究温度、酸度等物理变量诱导蛋白质变性及结构变化方面的应用.
- This was accomplished by integrating ab initio protein structure prediction, atomic-level energy refinement, and sequence design in Rosetta. 这些是通过结合Rosetta的快速预测过程、精细预测修正和序列设计方法从而完成的。
- R.M.Kamp,T.Choli-Papadopoulou,B.Wittmann-Liebold,Protein Structure Analysis: preparation ,Characterization and Microsequencing,Springer-Verleg Belin Heidelberg,1997. 夏其昌,曾嵘主编蛋白质化学与蛋白质组学科学出版社,2004。
- Pyrenoid A protein structure found in the chloroplasts of green algae and hornworts (Anthocerophyta). Pyrenoids are associated with the storage of starch. 淀粉核,蛋白核:在绿藻和角苔(角苔门)的叶绿体中所发现的蛋白质结构。淀粉核与淀粉的储存有关。
- BOSTICK D,VAISMAN I I.A new topological method to measure protein structure similarity.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications[J],304 (2003) 320-325. 黄京飞;刘次全.;蛋白质结构的分形及其与进化关系的研究[J]