- This discovery provides important data and evidence for establishing the climatic stratigraphic sequence and division and correlation of the Quaternary glacial period on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. 为青藏高原建立气候地层层序、第四纪冰期划分对比提供了重要的实际资料和依据。
- quaternary glacial period 第四纪冰期
- Relating to or occurring during the time following a glacial period. 冰期后的与冰期后的时期有关的,或在冰期后的时期里发生的
- The last glacial period is divided into two stadial stages with an interstadial stage.Evolution of lakes of the source area during the Quaternary went through three stages. 黄河源区的冰期可划分为3期,即末次冰期、倒数第二次冰期、倒数第三次冰期,末次冰期又可分为2个冰阶。
- Calycanthaceae might have originated from East Asia Region, and then migrated e astward to North America via Bering land Bridge during the Quaternary glacial pe riod. 蜡梅科植物的起源地点可能在东亚,并在第四纪时通过白令陆桥到达北美;
- Two thirds of the continent is covered in ice during glacial period. 该大陆的三分之二地区在冰河时代被冰覆盖著。
- Two thirds of the continent was covered in ice during glacial periods. 该大陆的三分之二地区在冰河时代被冰覆盖著。
- It is concluded from our study results that the coastal dunes outside the Qilihai lagoon are inherited dune complex formed from the eolian dunes in the last glacial period. 研究认为,七里海外的海岸沙丘群是在末次冰期时期风成沙丘群的基础上演化形成的继承性沙丘综合体。
- China Quaternary Glacial Vestige Exhibition Hall 中国第四纪冰川遗迹陈列馆
- The many animals which have remained unchanged since the commencement of glacial period, would have been an incomparably stronger case. 有许多动物,自冰河时代初期以来,迄无改变,这是一个无可比拟的更特殊的例子。
- Above the rock in the right direction, one can see traces of the mountain movement of the glacial period half way at Green Phoenix Peak. 站在磕头石的上方往右可以看到绿凤峰半月腰处冰川时期山脉运动的痕迹。
- In Haixing,there is not only the site of a volcano from the late Fourth Glacial Period,but also complex coastal wetlands. 而在海兴,不仅有第四纪晚期的火山遗址,还有复合型的滨海湿地。
- Their size during the last glacial period presumably depended on the relative gain and loss of reproductive capacity in the population of elks during that time. 在最后一次冰川时期,鹿角的尺寸大概取决于在那段时间里鹿群中生殖能力的相对增加和下降。
- It is above-reality because it covers a huge timespan, though not huge enough to exceed a geological era, for example, the current Fourth Glacial Period we’re in. 在当今世界,政治家之间的对话在气候变化问题上实现了新的穿越。
- Changes of the Earth's Orbital Elements and the Quaternary Glacial Epoch 地球轨道根数变化与第四纪冰期
- The Division of Quaternary Glacial Epochs of Middle Nyainqentanglha Range 念青唐古拉山中段第四纪冰期划分
- The accumulation of snow and ice during a glacial period increases the surface albedo, reflecting more of the Sun's energy into space and maintaining a lower atmospheric temperature. 在某些情况下,这个术语也通常被赋予一种对人为原因的推测,气候变化框架公约中就是这样应用的。
- During the last glacial period the sea level was low and the terrestrial matters transported into the southern SCS increased and the ecologic environment in the studied sea area deteriorated. 其中在末次冰期期间,由于海平面降低,搬运入海的陆源物质增加,造成海洋生态环境相对较差;
- Stratospheric ice clouds promoted the destruction of ozone radiation shielding of the Earth resulting in biotic catastrophes which usually follow the glacial periods. 平流层冰云促进了对臭氧辐射盾牌的破坏,从而导致继冰期之后的生物灾难。