- This telephone is not for public use. 电话不外借。
- To appropriate(property) for public use. 没收(征用)为了公共目的而没收(财产)
- To open(a building, for example) to public use. 开放(例如,建筑物)供公众使用
- During the year,one new market was opened for public use. 年内,有一个新街市落成启用。
- A room equipped with toilets and lavatories for public use. 公共厕所:配备有便池与洗手池供公众使用的房间。
- To take arbitrarily or by force, especially for public use. 征用随意地拿取或强迫征用,尤指为了公用的目的
- During the year, one new market was opened for public use. 年内,有一个新街市落成启用。
- No private property shall be taken for public use,without just compensation. 不给予公平赔偿,私有财产不得充作公用。
- Building site equipment - Temporary metallic stairways intended for public use. 工地设备。公众使用的临时金属制楼梯。
- The old road has now been closed up since the highway was open to public use. 自从高速公路通车以来,那条旧公路已经封闭了。
- Transmission of a radio or television program or signal for public use. 传播信号电台、电视节目或信号的传播,供大众使用。
- quasi public physical productions 准公共体育产品
- Can multiple publications use the same distribution database? 多个发布是否可以使用同一个分发数据库?
- A large open space fronting Nam Cheong Estate serving as a buffer zone between the residential area and West Kowloon Expressway was opened for public use in early 1998. 南昌前面的一幅大型游憩用地,已于一九九八年初建成供市民使用,并作为住宅区与西九龙快速公路之间的缓冲区。
- It claimed the taking was for public use, but it was public in only the most tenuous sense. 该县声称征用是为了公共利用,但其“公共”的性质实在牵强附会。
- Analysis on the Quasi Public Welfare Water Works Management System 准公益性水利工程管理体制问题分析
- Concentrated efforts to develop blood substitutes for public use only seriously started after 1986 because of public concerns regarding HIV) in donor blood. 但是真正集中精力开始开发血液替代品并用于公众,是在1986年之后,因为人们关心着供体血液中的HIV病毒。
- In some cases, you might need to restrict methods that are not intended for public use but still must be public. 在某些情况下,某些方法尽管不适合用作公共方法,但却必须是公共的,您可能需要对这些方法进行限制。
- Public use of Morse's telegraph system Began in 1844 and lasted more than 100 years. 1844年公众开始使用摩斯的电报系统,并一直持续了一百多年。
- Structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks) constructed at government expense for public use. 一些建筑(如公路、学校、桥梁或船坞等)它们是由政府拔款建的,是为了公共的利益。