- HCM was f ound again with the new medical model. 新医学模式的确立标志着医学人文科学性质的重新发现;
- Endourology is the present of medical humanism and accord with the request of modern medical model. 腔内泌尿外科技术是医学人文关怀的体现,符合现代医学模式的要求。
- To discuss relation between both and external cause that had been difficult to change on the medical model. 就二者的关系、医学模式转变困难的客观原因进行讨论。
- Our country is still in the course of conversion from biomedical model to biopsychosocial medical model. 我国社会还处在由生物医学模式向生物、心理、社会医学模式转换的过程之中。
- Psychosomatic medicine and conversion of modern medical model is a effectively animadvert on technology paramountism. 二、心身医学和医学模式转换是对技术至上论的一个有力批判。
- OBJECTIVE To adapt the change of medical model and improve the quality of birth nursing by establishing homely wards. 目的:为适应医学模式的转变,建立家庭化分娩病房,提高分娩护理质量。
- In order to save the expense, we also can build a medical model by step discriminant analysis. 为了节省费用,还可以运用多元统计中的逐步判别分析方法建立模型。
- The authors suggest that the rehabilitation therapy team is a special therapy form and can facilitate the transformation of medical model. 认为康复治疗小组是以系统论为理论基础的特殊治疗形式,有助于促进医学模式的转变。
- With changes in medical model and appearance of humanistic care, verbal actions in medical practice have begun to take on new features. 随着医学模式的变化,医疗的人文关怀的提出,医疗活动中的言语行为也出现了新的特征。
- We must have the system point in mind,use evidence-based medical model as a guide,and with full respect for the wishes of the personality when t... 临床医生应有系统的观点,以循证医学模式为指导,充分尊重患者的意愿,个性化地将这项技术应用于患者。
- In the process of re formation, must recognize Chinese basic situation, adapt the medical model turwhng,execute unswervingly the MCH work policy. 在改革中,必须认清我国的基本国情,适应医学模式的转变,坚定不移地执行妇幼卫生工作方针。
- It also meets the requirement of medical model and the society development,and then embodies the requirement of anesthetic professional cul... 同时,培养麻醉专业学生的沟通能力需要有针对性的措施。
- With the development of medical science and the change of medical model,it is necessary that anesthetist should deal with the special ethical responsibility of the profession. 随着医学模式的转变,麻醉医师应了解本专业特殊的伦理要求。
- After the medical model is transformed, the efficiency of leprosy rehabilitation has been improved by community-based rehabilitation and socio-economic reh... 医学模式转变后,社区康复、社会经济康复明显提高了麻风畸残康复的效率,令患者和社会更易于接受,有力推动了麻风消灭运动的进程。
- Human Genome Project and Medical Model Abstract:Human Genome Project(HGP) will provide the development of medicine with great possibilities and revolutionize the biomedicine. [医学生毕业论文] 关键词: 人类基因组计划;医学模式;基因操作 摘要:人类基因组计划将为医学科学的发展提供广泛的可能性,并给生物医学带来革命性的变化,但是人的社会性,疾病产生的非生物因素以及社会及伦理的限制都决定了任何生物医学上的成就,包括人类基因组计划都不能改变生物社会心理医学模式的深刻内涵。
- But the educational and medical model standard must be a opposite (changing by region , nation , folk-custom , lines and times ) , synthetic and recognizability standard . 而儿童玩具的要求,则特别强调和重视其对儿童的安全性为主。
- The relation between psychosomatic medicine and biopsychosocial medical model is interdependent one another ,although ,they have some difference in research content and category . 心身医学和生物、心理、社会医学模式在研究内容和范畴方面虽有差异,但它们之间的关系却是因果相循、互为依托。
- With the transference of the medical model from biological model to bio-psycho-social model, more and more attention is paid to the rehabilitation of psychosomatics. 随着生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,心身疾病患者的康复问题亦日益引起医学界的普遍关注。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。