- He hates interference with his work. 他厌恶别人妨碍他的工作。
- Her interference was not warranted. 她干涉得毫无道理。
- He will not brook any interference. 他不会容忍他人的任何干涉。
- I don't want any interference from you! 我用不著你来干涉!
- I resented his interference in my affairs. 我很不满他干预我的私事。
- Such aperiodic motions are not quantized. 这种非周期性的运动不是量子化的。
- Earls of Wilbraham, quasi wild boar ham. 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- Earls of Wilbra ham, quasi wild boar ham . 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- Her mother's interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage. 她母亲从中干预使他们的婚姻雪上加霜。
- Their interference bollixed up the whole deal. 他们的扰乱把整个事情都弄糟了。
- We oppose interference by any outside force. 我们反对任何外来势力插手干预。
- Events that are aperiodic and represent an occurence. 不定期并代表某出现的事件。
- This interference began as early as September 1942. 这种妨碍早于一九四二年九月业已开始。
- This situation is called constructive interference. 这种情形称作相长干涉。
- But article on Aperiodic ticket in quantitative analysis is few. 但是目前关于这方面定量分析的论文很少。
- This situation is called destructive interference. 这种情形称作相消干涉。
- Can accept aperiodic businesstrips arranged by our company. 能接受公司不定期的出差安排。
- His interference bollixed up the whole deal. 他的插手把全部事情都弄糟了。
- We don't want any of your interference. 我们不需要你来指手划脚。
- Piano Sonata No. 13 in E flat major ("Quasi una fantasia"), Op. 钢琴奏鸣曲第13号在电子商务大调(“准联合国协会幻想曲”),作品。