- quartz tube radiator 石英管辐射器
- The actual printing is done by a mercury quartz tube. 实际上,它是用水银石英管影印的。
- A glass or quartz tube has tungsten electrodes sealed in each end. 两根钨丝电极是封在玻璃管或石英管的两端。
- The quartz tube inserted into the furnace that becomes the process chamber for diffusion and oxidation. 插入到炉子中的石英管,作为扩散和氧化的处理腔。
- The pure quartz lump becomes quartz tube via untouched technology of intermediate frequency induction heating. 采用中频感应加热无接触技术,将石英净坨拉制成为石英管。
- The second change that has made is quartz tube from cylinder-shape to three-pinstripe. 长期的测试实践证明,熔样钼坩锅外面的石英管是影响热空白的主要因素。
- Roller squeezer heating can be quartz tube or infrared tube, and also can equipped with convection system. 辊压加热可选石英管加热和中波红外辐射管加热,并可配备加热对流搅拌系统。
- In the fixed bed reactor with a quartz tube, the laws of uncatalyzed reaction between soot and NO were investigated. 在石英管式炉固定床反应器上研究了程序升温条件下炭黑与NO反应的规律。
- According to the data provided by the clients, we will produce the quartz tube cleaning equipments of different spec. 可根据客户提供的数据参数,定制各种规格的石英清洗机。
- UV Steriliser As a professional manufacturer of quartz tube, we can produce great quantity ... 发布者:王娟所在地:江苏连云港市行业:冶金矿产职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上
- The gas phase oxidative cracking(GOC) processes of decalin and cyclohexane were investigated by using the quartz tube reactor at atmospheric pressure. 采用石英管反应器,在常压下研究了十氢萘和环己烷的气相氧化裂解(GOC)过程。
- Boron carbide nanotubes(nano-fibers) was prepared by boron powder and carbon nanotubes(CNTs) at high temperature in a quartz tube after being vacuumed. 以碳纳米管为原料,利用真空封管技术在高温下用硼粉对碳纳米管进行掺杂处理,获得了碳化硼纳米管(纤维)。
- Diamond films had been deposited on quartz tube with the gas mixture of ethanol steam and hydrogen by the plasma source. 使用该等离子体源以乙醇蒸汽和氢气为气源在石英玻璃管外表面沉积金刚石膜。
- Round tube radiator with three poles 圆管三柱散热器
- Boron carbide nanotubes (nano-fibers) was prepared by boron powder and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at high temperature in a quartz tube after being vacuumed. 摘要以碳纳米管为原料,利用真空封管技术在高温下用硼粉对碳纳米管进行掺杂处理,获得了破化硼纳米管(纤维)。
- Study on the determination of trace copper in rice by conventional FAAS with slotted quartz tube has been described here.An air-acetylene flame (lean) has been used. 本文根据文献报道使用单缝石英管火焰原子吸收法提高火焰原子法的灵敏度,对大米中微量铜的测定进行研究。
- The diameters of quartz tubes are usually 12.0,10.0,8.0 mm by cold atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). 冷原子吸收法(CAAS);常用石英管内径是12.;0;10
- These systems utilize lamps which are basically sealed quartz tubes containing the fill material and argon gas. 这些系统主要是利用填充物质和氩气的封口石英管。
- Among them, the qualification rate of the tube radiation intensity and the using soaking and disinfecting liquid were obviously higher than other projects. 其中,紫外线灯管辐射强度与使用中的浸泡液监测合格率均明显高于其它项目;
- Transformer, Capacitance, Current stabilizer, Flipflop, Reflection, Shield, Imported quartz tubes and Reflection aluminum, ets. 配套的变压器、电容、镇流器、触发器、反光罩、进口石英管材及反光片等。