- There is a power point for shaver in the bathroom. 浴室里有供电动剃须刀用的电源插座。
- There is a power point for shaver in the bathroom . 浴室里有供电动剃须刀用的电源插座。
- Good computer skill of Excel, word and Power point. 良好人际关系及沟通能力;
- Production of power point slides. 制作汇报的演示文稿。
- He dimmedthe lights for the power point presentation. 把灯光调暗。
- In Power Point, copy the entire slide that contains the chart. 在Power Point中,复制包含图表的整个幻灯片。
- Plug the microwave oven into a power point and switch on the power. 把微波炉插头插进电源插座,接通电源。
- Master of SAP2000, AutoCad, Excell, Word, Power Point software. 从事过以上结构类别的施工图设计工作;
- Slayers do not gain bonus power points. 杀戮者并不获得额外灵能点。
- Reduces all costs in power points. 减少所有力量点的消耗。
- Souls give power points over time. 先祖之灵使你的力量点逐渐恢复。
- Exactly tracking the maximum power point depends on effective search algorithm. 准确跟踪太阳能光伏阵列的最大输出功率点依赖于有效的搜索算法。
- The drafting and expressing in any kinds of power point and speaking. 十三、各种简报与演讲辞的拟定及表达训练。
- She must pay 9 power points per minute she uses the nimbus ability. 使用“火焰灵气”能力每分钟须支付9点灵能点。
- Passively reduces the cost in power points of all nature spells. 减少自然符咒的施法时间。
- Steals power points from the adversary up to five times. 窃取来自敌人的力量点。
- PP: The number of power points per day available to the NPC. 灵能点:该NPC每日可用的灵能点数。
- I had to lower the light switches and raise the power points. 我得把电灯开关调低,把电源插座调高。
- The rent is due at the end of each quarter. 缴纳租金以每季度末为期限。
- A pyro can manifest this power even if she would normally be too low in level to do so, but she must pay the full power point cost. 即使真实等级不足以使用该异能的操焰者也可使用它,但无论如何他都必须完全支付灵能点费用。