- Is it true that Chinese may quarrel bitterly in the everyday life while debate little at the national congress? 中国人在日常生活中吵得不可开交,而在全国大会上却难发一言,这是真的吗?
- They quarreled bitterly for a little trifle. 为了一件小事他们大吵了一架。
- Quarrel argument The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. 两个人争吵不休,显而易见,只有较量一番才能解决问题。
- It was in the house where they got married that they quarreled bitterly. 正是在他们结婚的新房里,他们激烈地争吵。
- His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of the family resources. 他们儿子们由于分配家里的财产资源而激烈地争吵。
- The whole thing turned into a bitter quarrel. 整件事酿成了激烈的争吵。
- The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel. 这场讨论演变成了激烈的争吵。
- The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight . 他们二人激烈争吵。显然只有通过格斗才能解决这场争吵。
- The argument developed into a bitter quarrel. 这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵。
- The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. 参考翻译:两个人争吵不休,显而易见,只有较量一番才能解决问题。
- Ever since, Russia and Ukraine have quarrelled bitterly over gas supplies, which in 2009 left large parts of Europe freezing. 从那以后,俄罗斯和乌克兰就供气管道的纷争迭起,并在2009年殃及大半个欧洲陷入冰冷的状况。
- Ever since, Russia and Ukraine have quarreled bitterly over gas supplies, which in 2009 left large parts of Europe freezing. 从此之后,俄罗斯和乌克兰就天然气供给问题争执不休,以致2009年欧洲大部分地区冰冻三尺。
- The defeat was a bitter pill to swallow. 那次失败是一次难以吞咽的苦果。
- I got involved in a quarrel about the price. 我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。
- I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。
- After supper the quarrel lapsed into silence. 晚饭后争吵逐渐平息下来了。
- They often quarrel with each other about trifles. 他们经常为小事吵架。
- He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us. 他似乎存心要找我们吵架。
- Don't stoop to quarrel with her about it. 别降低身份为这事去跟她争吵。
- His intervention brought their quarrel to a climax. 他一干预使他们的口角达到最激烈程度。