- A quantum theory of gravity is needed. 这时候你需要量子重力理论才行。
- quantum theory of field 量子场论
- The quantum theory of light is in complete accord with these observations. 光的量子理论与这些观察完全相符。
- Einstein stated the theory of relativity, established Quantum theory? 你是学理的,不会不知道他没有创立量子理论吧?是光量子吧?
- A centry ago, Einstein published seccesively 5 theses on respectively quantum theory, special theory of relativity, brownian movement,etc, creating miracle in the field of pgysics and gave physics a brand new look. 一百年前,26岁的爱因斯坦相继发表了有关量子理论、狭义相对论和布朗运动等5篇论文,创造了物理学的奇迹,从根本上刷新了物理学的面貌。
- Much as relativity subsumed Newtonian physics, a quantum theory of gravity will ultimately subsume relativity. 就如同相对论将牛顿物理学给纳入一般,终究也可能会有个量子理论,将相对论给收编进来。
- The handwritten manuscript titled "Quantum theory of the monatomic ideal gas" was dated December 1924. 命名为"单原子的理想气体量子说"的手稿起始于1924年。
- J. Callaway, Quantum Theory of the Solid State, 2nd edition, Academic Press , 1991. 黄昆,韩汝琦,《固体物理学》,高等教育出版社,北京,1988。
- A natural way to overcome its limitations would be to subsume it in a quantum theory of gravity, such as string theory. 要克服这个限制的一个自然方法,就是将它纳入一个量子重力理论之中,例如弦论。
- The handwritten manuscript titled Quantum theory of the monatomic ideal gas was dated December 1924. 命名为单原子的理想气体量子说的手稿起始于1924年。
- So Millikan's paper is not at all, as we would now expect, an experimental proof of the quantum theory of light. 所以,密立根的文章根本不像我们现在认为的那样,是对光的量子理论的实验验证。
- Because the distortion of space is what produces gravity, this is how the diagrams form a quantum theory of gravity. 由于空间的扭曲就是重力的来源,这些图示便构成了重力的量子理论。
- String theory overcomes some of the obstacles to building a logically consistent quantum theory of gravity. 在建构没有矛盾的量子重力论时,弦论已克服了某些障碍。
- The dialogue that focuses on the Buddhist theory of emptiness and quantum theory of modern physics offers us a good example to realize this phenomenon. 以佛教的空性论与现代物理学的量子理论为中心展开的佛教与现代科学之间的对话,为认识这一现象提供了很好的例证。
- Furthermore, the term that Perelman added to the basic flow used by Hamilton arises in string theory, which is a quantum theory of gravity. 除此之外,帕瑞尔曼所加到汉密尔顿瑞奇流方程式中的项,也出现在弦论(一种重力的量子理论)之中。
- A brigade of field artillery was waiting, limbered up. 一旅野战炮队正在待命,他们的炮都已装在前车上了。
- From the quantum theory of atomic structure, the adaptability of Hund's rules in atomic physics teaching is discussed in depth. 根据原子结构的量子理论,对原子物理教学中洪特定则的适应范围进行了较深入的讨论,并对过去某些文献中未能澄清的问题进行了理论上的说明;
- A quantum theory of gravity is a holy grail for a certain breed of physicist because all physics except for gravity is well described by quantum laws. 对于钻研某些研究的物理学家而言,量子重力论是最后的圣杯,因为除了重力之外,其他的物理都可以用量子定律来描述。
- Because general relativity deals in the geometry of spacetime, a quantum theory of gravity will in addition be a quantum theory of spacetime. 由于广义相对论处理的是时空的几何,重力的量子理论就更会是一个时空的量子理论。
- A very promising approach to a quantum theory of gravity is string theory, which some theoretical physicists have been exploring since the 1970s. 弦论是广被看好的一种建构量子重力论方式,一些理论物理学家自1970年代以来就在研究这项理论。