- A quantum key distribution scheme using GHZ states between two parties is proposed. 提出了利用GHZ态的关联在通信双方之间建立密钥的方案。
- Theoretical model of single photon acquisition probability is established for free-space quantum key distribution. 建立了一种自由空间量子密钥分配的单光子捕获概率理论模型。
- The results show that it is feasible to implement quantum key distribution between a ground station and a satellite in a low earth orb... 结果表明,在低轨卫星-地面站间进行量子密钥分配是可行的。
- Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the core of the quantum cryptography technology which had been proved to be absolutely safe. 摘要量子密码被证明是绝对安全的,其核心技术是量子密钥分配(QKD)。
- At present the most important problem of quantum key distribution is how to realize the key for long-distance and high code rate. 摘要目前量子密钥分发所面临的最主要问题是如何实现远距离、高码率量子密钥传输。
- This paper provides a quantum key distribution protocol based on the correlations of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs. 提出了一个建立在EPR关联之上的量子密钥分配协议。
- A new quantum key distribution scheme is proposed to realize both phase coding and time coding based on two unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers. 提出了一种在双马赫-曾德尔干涉仪量子保密通信系统上同时实现时间编码和相位编码的混合量子密钥分发方案。
- Quantum cryptography is best known for key distribution.However, previous proposed proofs of security of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) contain various technical subtleties. 量子密码学因密钥分配而众所周知,然而早先提出的量子密钥分配的安全证据包含许多技术困难。
- As an important branch of quantum information, quantum cryptography (QC, or Quantum Key Distribution, QKD) is the process of sharing a secret bit string, known as the key, between two cooperative players (traditionally called Alice and Bob). 量子通信是量子信息中的一个重要部分,本文做的主要工作是在理论上分析量子密钥(或量子密钥分配)方案的安全性问题。
- To insure the security of the proposed quantum key distribution protocol, the receiver switches randomly the message mode to control mode asymmetrically.The security of the protocol is discussed. 接收方随机非对称使用消息模式和控制模式来保证该量子密钥分发协议的安全,继而分析该协议的安全性。
- One obstacle that quantum computation,quantum communication and quantum key distribute must combat is noise. 信道噪声是量子计算、量子通信和量子密钥分配都必须克服的一大障碍。
- Study of Identification in Quantum Key Distribution 量子密钥分发中身份认证问题的研究现状及方向
- Phase-modulated free space quantum key distribution 相位调制自由空间量子密钥分配
- quantum key distribution network 量子密钥分发网络
- Quantum key distribution protocol 量子密钥分发协议
- Efficient quantum key distribution scheme using the Bell States 利用贝尔态的高效量子密钥分配协议
- A Scheme for Quantum Key Distribution Using GHZ States 利用GHZ态进行量子密钥分配
- Deterministic quantum key distribution based on random phase coding 基于随机相位编码的确定性量子密钥分配
- Optimum parameters for biased two-state quantum key distribution protocol 非对称二状态量子密钥分配协议最优参量研究