- Marquardt, M. J.(1996). Building the learning organization: A system approach to quantum improvement and global success. New York: McGraw-Hill. 杨国德(民83)。发展学习组织,推动终生学习的策略。载于中国教育学会主编:教育改革。台北市:师大书苑。
- Marquardt, M. J. Building the Learning Organization: a system approach to quantum improvement and global success, London: McGraw-Hill,1996 陈国权.;学习型组织的过程模型、本质特征和设计原则[J]
- There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的书法需要改进。
- There's been an overall improvement recently. 近来各方面都有所改进。
- We all hope for an improvement in the weather. 我们都希望天气好转。
- His health is showing signs of improvement. 他的健康状况显出好转的迹象。
- The changes are an improvement in one way. 这些变从某种意义上说是一种进步。
- The equipment improvement was on the march. 设备改进工作正在进行中。
- There is still room for improvement. 还有改进的余地。
- Housing improvement was the speaker's text. 改善住房是那位演讲人的题目。
- Painting the room yellow is a great improvement. 把这房间漆成黄色确实好多了。
- This town shows improvement in many directions. 该镇在许多方面都有改进。
- Our position is capable of improvement. 我们的地位可以改善。
- Do you know who originated the theory of quantum? 你知道量子论是由谁首创的吗?
- This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer. 这一发现标志着治疗癌症的一大突破。
- Making a "quantum leap" of improvement in Japanese language skills. 日语能力特别有提高。
- The spin phenomenon exists only in quantum theory. 只有在量子理论中才出现这样的自转效应。
- Dominance of quantum processes is not complete. 量子过程并不囊括一切。
- We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term. 我们期待你这学期功课进步。
- The quantum behavior of atomic objects is the same. 原子客体的量子行为都是相同的。