- This then is something of a cursory view of the direction taken by contemporary quantum field theory. 这就是对现代电子场论的趋向的粗略的一瞥。
- The full apparatus of quantum field theory is often unnecessary for describing electrodynamic systems. 对于描述电力学系统量子场理论的全部设备常常是多余的。
- Quantum field theory maintains that all interactions arise from the creation and annihilation of particles. 量子场论认为,一切互相作用是由粒子的产生和湮没而引起的。
- The first complete quantum field theory, quantum electrodynamics, provides a fully quantum description of the electromagnetic interaction. 首先完善的量子场理论,量子电力学提供了电磁相互作用充分的量子描述。
- No. quantum field theory in curved space-time is just quantum mechanics in gravtiy background, not a theory of gravity. 也有的想在广义相对论的基础上重建量子力学(后者大概是弯曲时空中的量子力学或量子场论吧?)。
- In an endnote Mr Wilczek warns that the nitty gritty of quantum field theory is not for sissies.Nor is this book. 在尾注处,威尔茨克特别声明到量子场的本质问题不适合胆小鬼,这本书也是如此。
- This book is a modern pedagogic introduction to the ideas and techniques of quantum field theory. 纳米技术是国家中长远发展计划的四大技术之一。纳米医学将是一个全新的科学领域。
- Acquaints readers with the main concepts and literature of elementary particle physics and quantum field theory. 让读者认识初等粒子物理学和量领域理论的主要概念和文学。
- He stimulated much debate among quantum field theorists, who in turn enjoyed working to rebut his arguments. 因此,若黑洞能够完全蒸发,那么黑洞已摄取的任何物质的信息也将从我们的宇宙中消失,不留下一丝痕迹。
- According to quantum field theory, the force of gravity is carried by a special particle called the graviton. 根据量子场论,重力是藉由一种称为重力子(graviton)的特殊粒子所传递。
- Based on the quantum field theory, it has been described that the maser radiation might exist in the water molecular system within the MT. 此外,基于量子场论,对微管中的水分子系统可能存在微波受激辐射也作了阐述。
- Keywords: Black Hole, Entropy, Quantum Field Theory, Conformal Field Theory, Thermodynamics, statistical Mechanics. 关键词:黑洞,熵,量子场论,共形场论,热力学,统计力学。
- Wolfram's early scientific work was mainly in high-energy physics, quantum field theory and cosmology, and included several now-classic results. 沃尔弗莱姆早期的科学著作主要在高能物理、量子场论、和宇宙学方面,这个时期写出了几本至今还堪称经典的学术著作。
- Then, the creation operator and annihilation operator similar to those in the quantum field theory are used to describe the state of turbulent eddy field. 然后;我们采用和量子场论相类似的产生算符和消灭算符来描述湍流涡旋系统所处的状态.
- A fully relativistic quantum theory required the development of quantum field theory, which applies quantization to a field rather than a fixed set of particles. 完全相对的量子理论需要量子场理论的发展,它适用场的量子化而不是粒子的确定。
- Geometry and Quantum Field Theory, designed for mathematicians, is a rigorous introduction to perturbative quantum field theory, using the language of functional integrals. 几何和量子场论课程是用泛函积分的语言对微扰量子场论的严谨的介绍,主要针对数学家设计。
- CPT symmetry has deep mathematical foundations.It is hardwired into the equations of quantum field theory that describe the fundamental particles and forces. CPT对称有很深的数学基础,它和描述基本粒子与作用力的量子场论方程式有著紧密关联。
- The quantum field theory of the strong nuclear force is called quantum chromodynamics, and describes the interactions of the subnuclear particles: quarks and gluons. 强核力量子场论就是所谓的量子色动力学,而描述了亚核粒子的相互作用:夸克和胶子。
- The Higgs field does, however, differ from all other quantum fields in three crucial ways. 然而,希格斯场的确在三个关键点上和所有其他量子场不一样。
- The entropies of quantum fields on event horizon of a toroidal black hole are given using the improved brick-wall model. 利用薄层 (改进的brick wall模型 ) ;通过分别求解标量场方程和Dirac场方程 ;计算了环面黑洞事件视界附近的标量场和Dirac场的量子统计熵 .