- Quantum Confinement Analysis of Nanostructure in oxidation of SiGe alloys[J]. 引用该论文 黄伟其;蔡绍洪;刘世容.
- Due to quantum confinement effect,band gap of semiconductor nanocrystals(NCs) is dependent on the particle size. 由于量子限域效应,半导体纳米晶的能带宽随粒子大小而改变。
- Optical transmission measurements show that the nc-Si p-layer has a wide bandgap of 1.96 eV, due to the quantum confinement effects (QCE). 光学透视测量表明;由于量子尺寸效应;纳米硅P层具有宽的能带隙(1.;96eV)。
- One advance that exploits quantum confinement makes use of rare earth elements, such as erbium, that scientists know to be good light emitters. 有一项以量子局限原理为基础的新发展,用的是已知发光效率较高的铒等稀土元素。
- The topics include quantum confinement, dielectric and optical properties, non-radiative processes, defects and impurities, and quantum transport. 题目包括量禁闭,非导电性和视觉的特性,非发光的过程,缺陷和杂质和量运输。
- These nanocrystals, which can be pumped by illuminating them with an external light source, are only a few atoms wide, so they can achieve quantum confinement. 这些奈米晶体可藉由外部光源照射加以激发,由于它们直径仅数个原子宽,可以形成量子局限现象。
- Quantum confinement of both the electron and holein all three dimensions leads to an increase in the effective bandgap of the material with decreasing crystallite size. 所有的三维和洞在朝派电子和的量子监禁随着减少雏晶大小导致一材料的有效乐队间距的增加.
- The absorption edge positions and PL peaks shift towards shorter wavelengths while Raman spectra show broader peaks with decreasing Si layer thickness. The results are mainly attributed to the quantum confinement effects. 结果表明 ,随纳米Si层厚度的减小 ,光学吸收边以及光致荧光峰发生明显蓝移 ,Ra man峰发生展宽 ,即观测到明显的量子尺寸效应
- The mechanisms of photoluminescence are introduced, including quantum confinement effect, the defect related oxygen, quantum confinement effect/luminescence center and excition effect model. 并且介绍了单元素半导体量子点的发光机理模型,包括量子限制效应模型、与氧有关的缺陷发光、量子限制效应发光中心复合发光和界面层中的激子效应发光等;
- The semiconductor CdSe nanoparticles exhibit the quantum confined fluorescence. 硒化镉半导体颗粒具有量子局限效应产生的萤光。
- Quantum confinement in five-fold axis Si clusters 五重轴硅团簇的量子受限
- quantum confinement effects (QCE) 量子限制效应
- Modulators: Multiple quantum well structures, quantum confined Stark effect; SEED. Waveguide couplers, switches, modulators. 光调变器:多重量子井结构,量子局限史托克效应,自电光效应元件,波导耦合器,光开关,光调变器。
- Modulators : Multiple quantum well structures, quantum confined Stark effect; SEED. Waveguide couplers, switches, modulators. 多重量子井结构,量子局限史托克效应,自光电效应元件,波导耦合器,光开关,光调制器。
- Her confinement was approaching. 她的分娩期临近了。
- Keywords nanostructure;quantum confinement;PL spectra; 纳米结构;量子受限;PL谱;
- When does she expect her confinement? 她预期何时分娩?
- From the results of PLE experiment, a large Stokes shift (SS) was observed.The large Stokes shift can be attributed to the variation in indium composition or the quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE). 透过光激萤光激发实验,我们观察到很大的史托克位移,这主要是由于铟浓度变化与量子局限史塔克效应的影响。
- Not in confinement or under constraint; free. 自由不受约束的或不受限制的; 自由的
- A deep or isolated place of confinement; a dungeon. 地牢,土牢深而隔离的拘留地; 地牢