- We studied the application of NMR technologies by 1H, 13C, 29Si, 27Al NMR and HMQC (Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence) spectrum. 本课题利用核磁共振的新技术进行了1H、13C、29Si、27Al NMR以及异核多量子相关二维谱的应用研究。
- To quantum coherent devices, however, it is anathema. 然而对量子同调元件而言,这却是大麻烦。
- heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence HMQC
- heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence(HMQC) 异核多级量子相干
- quantum coherence and interference 量子相干和干涉
- Calculation of Quantum Coherence in Nuclear Spin Systems 核自旋体系量子相干的计算
- The network progression is higher, and then it allows the relative velocity to increase and has enlargement quantum coherent function. 网络的级数越高,则允许相对速度被增加,具有放大量子相干的作用。
- In this paper, a comprehensive simulation of the vector field imaging based on the inter-molecular multiple quantum coherences (iMQC) was performed. 摘要对基于分子间多量子相干的矢量场成像进行了系统的模拟研究。
- Quantum Coherence in Degenerate Cascade Three-level Atom Driven by Laser Field 光场驱动下退化的级联三能级原子中的量子相干效应
- Quantum coherent and interference have led to many interesting and significative consequences such as coherent population transfer (CPTR), coherent population trapping (CPTP), amplification without population inversion (AWI) and superluminal, etc. 量子相干和干涉产生了很多有趣而又有意义的结果,如相干布居迁移(CPTR),相干布居囚禁(CPTP),无反转放大(AWI),以及超光速(Superluminal)等等。
- In this paper, quantum coherences under weak interaction in A, AX, AMX and AFMX systems of which spin quantum number 1/2is,and in A and AX systems of which spin guantum number is 3/2 are calculated by using the density matrix. 本文用密度矩阵计算了在弱相互作用下,自旋都为1/2的核的A、AX、AMX与AFMX四种体系以及自旋都为3/2的核的A与AX两种体系中的各种量子相干。
- Effect of phase fluctuation of light field on quantum coherence in a trapped ion 辐射场的起伏对囚禁离子的量子相干性的影响
- He was starkly unable to achieve coherence. 他完全不能达到一致。
- I'm mad, without sense or coherence tonight. 今夜我简直狂了。
- The coherence with FOB was very good (22/24) . 与FOB有较好的一致性(22/24)。
- Do you know who originated the theory of quantum? 你知道量子论是由谁首创的吗?
- I think the technique fights coherence. 我认为这种技术是与连贯性作对的。
- The Property of Quantum Noise in Quantum Coherent Atomic System 原子相干效应中的量子噪声特性研究
- This article lacks unity and coherence. 这篇文章层次不清。
- This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer. 这一发现标志着治疗癌症的一大突破。