- 2) the quantity of futures warehoused may not go beyond the normal trading capacity of the enterprise, neither may it go beyond the import and export quota or the quantity provided by the license; (二)期货持仓量不得超出企业正常的交收能力,不得超出进出口配额、许可证规定的数量;
- A quantity of unknown numerical value. 未知数数值不明的一个数量
- The factory turns out a large quantity of paper products. 这家工厂生产大量的纸制品。
- Can you make us a special offer based on a quantity of ... ? 以。。。数量为基础,贵公司能给特价吗?
- Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse. 无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。
- There is a small quantity of water left in the bottle. 瓶子里还剩下少量的水。
- He ate a small quantity of rice. 他吃了少量的米饭。
- Any Economic Gains from Trading of Futures Itself? 期货交易本身能够产生经济收益吗?
- Put a small quantity of sugar into the batter. 在面糊里放少量的糖。
- He collected a quantity of curious information. 他收集了很多稀奇古怪的消息。
- Nebulous assurances of future cooperation. 对未来合作的含糊的保证
- This hotel buys a vast quantity of beer every day. 这家饭店每天购买大量的啤酒。
- To locate and load a quantity of data from storage. 从存储器中寻找并装入一批数据。
- We can supply any quantity of these goods. 这些货币不论任何数量我们都可以供应。
- Police found a large quantity of illegal drugs. 警察查获了大量的非法毒品。
- Gave a ballpark estimate of future unit sales. 对未来的单位销售法做出几近正确的估计
- I scarce uttered the quantity of a hundred words. 我说的话满打满算不到一百个字。
- Don't strive merely for quantity of production. 在生产中不要单纯地追求数量。
- A large quantity of beer was sold. 售出了大量的啤酒。
- The prospects of futures market is still prosperous. 期货市场发展仍持续看好.