- quality structure element 素质结构元
- Linyi sag is a subsidiary negative structure element in Jiyang depression. 临邑洼陷是济阳坳陷惠民凹陷的次级负向构造单元。
- Sewerage cutting project of Shenzhen reservoir valley was appraised "Shenzhen High Quality Structure Engineer Prize". 深圳水库流域污水截排工程荣获“深圳市优质结构工程奖”
- Describes how to transfer a structure element, parameter, or function return value between processes. 描述如何在进程之间传输结构元素、参数或函数返回值。
- Concrete structure of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center was appraised "Shenzhen high quality structure engineering prize". 深圳会展中心混凝土结构荣获“深圳市优质结构工程奖”
- The principal structural element in magnetism is the domain. 在磁学中的主要结构单元是磁畴。
- The study on the quality structure of them would be beneficial to strengthen the building of strong contingent of high level human resource. 研究探讨学科领军人物的素质结构,对加强医院高层次人才队伍建设具有十分重要的现实意义。
- Contains information about how to transfer a structure element, parameter, or function return value between processes. 包含有关如何在进程之间传输结构元素、参数或函数返回值的信息。
- Ltd, with a floorage of 89012 m2,has been honored with titles such as high quality structure award in 2004, magnolia award and shenan cup. 该工程荣获2004年度优质结构奖、“白玉兰”杯奖、“申安杯”奖等荣誉称号。
- So we use many structure element to detect the image edge, there are many kinds of structure in result image. 考虑到在图像物体边缘是多样的这一事实,我们采用了多结构元对图像进行边缘检测,使得在边缘图像中边缘的类型也是多种的。
- Various localities will be guided to develop regional and comparative advantages and readjust their product mix and quality structure of crops in line with market needs. 引导各地发挥区域比较优势,按照市场需求,调整种植业品种结构和品质结构。
- Contains information needed for transferring a structure element, parameter, or function return value between processes. 包含在进程之间传输结构元素、参数或函数返回值时所需的信息。
- If it is a variable element (a declared variable, field, property, array element, or structure element), the calling code can change it. 如果此元素为可变元素(即已声明的变量、字段、属性、数组元素或结构元素),则调用代码可以对其进行更改。
- Serial morphology operations by choosing the proper structure element to confirm threshold value and extract the target are carried out. 通过选择适当的结构元素进行系列形态组合运算,自适应确定阈值,提取目标;
- Principle of Fuzzy Mathematical Analysis Based on Structured Element II. 基于结构元理论的模糊数学分析原理2。
- The application of HACCP in the produce of yoghurt were studied by ana lyzing on such usual deficiencies as slow fermentation,infecting phage,deficency in quality structure and creating gas. 阐述了HACCP在酸牛乳生产中的应用。通过对酸牛乳生产中的危害分析(HA),介绍了酸牛乳生产中常见的质量缺陷,包括缓慢发酵、污染噬菌体、质构缺陷及气体的产生,并结合酸牛乳的生产工艺进行关键控制点(CCP)的分析。
- Firstly, image edge was detected by using several typical structure elements. 首先选取几个有代表性的结构元素对灰度图像进行边缘检测得到边缘图像。
- From the static analysis,the connotation of the growth is the formation of its specialized quality structure,namely,the preschool educators should possess the required qualities. 从静态角度分析,幼儿教师专业成长的内容是其专业素质结构的形成,即幼儿教师应达到的素质要求;
- Two morphological filters,open-closing and clos-opening,were applied respectively to removing epileptic signals in EEG by using a triangle structure element. 首先,选择三角形为结构元素,采用数学形态学中的级联开闭和闭开运算分别对脑电信号进行处理,去除癫痫样瞬态信号;
- Yesterday, the tunnel construction quality experts praised the city Zhijianzongzhan Inspection Unit, works with the city was rated quality structural engineering. 昨天,该隧道施工质量得到市质监总站检查组专家的好评,工程同时被评为市优质结构工程。