- Discuss the importance of medical ethics. 分组讨论医疗道德的重要性。
- quality of medical ethics 医德素质
- When machines trespass into the area of medical ethics, though, hackles rise. 但是,当机器介入医学伦理学领域时,有些人就火了。
- In recent years,overtreatment draws common concern of medical ethics circles. 近年来,过度医疗问题引起医学伦理学界的普遍关注。
- In the competition of medical market,the special hospitals should highlight their own characteristic services,and strengthen their competitive power with good medical ethics and medical quality. 专科医院在医疗市场的竞争中应突出自己的特色服务,以良好的医德、医风和医疗质量提高自己的竞争力。
- Solemn words and deeds, “no greed and fickleness” are specific performance of medical ethics. 言行庄重、不躁不贪是医德的具体表现。
- The emergence of the learning theory of constructivism meets the need of reformation of medical ethics teaching. 建构主义学习理论的兴起满足了医学伦理学教育改革的需要。
- In order to reduce medical disputes,and the education of medical ethics and security s... 应加强医德医风、医疗安全教育,提高医疗技术水平,以预防医疗纠纷的发生。
- The germination of medical ethics could date back to as early as the 15th century BC or even earlier. 医学伦理思想的萌芽最早可追溯至公元前15世纪或者更早。
- The aim of medical ethics is to improve the doctor-patient relationship by recognization,development and acomplishment. 伦理是教养之大成,医学伦理是医者把认知、发展与修养在医患关系上的努力。
- Conclusion It's a systematic work to put an end to deficiencies in the medical records and to improve the quality of medic... 结论杜绝病案缺陷的发生,提高病案质量,是一项系统的工程,需要全体医务人员共同的努力。
- Dr.Bethune s Spirit remains a valuable and great intellectual treasure for medical professionals.It also epitomizes the very nature of medical ethics. 白求恩精神是医护工作者宝贵而巨大的精神财富,也是医学伦理本性的集中体现。
- The condition or quality of being pure or chaste. 纯洁纯洁或贞洁的状况或者品质
- He possesses the quality of inspiring confidence. 他有本事能让别人信任他。
- Thus physician is defined as an attendant, an assistant, to the natural healing process, rooted in a Dharmic code of medical ethics. 这样依据行为法医学规则,医生就定位于一个助手的地位,辅助自然的愈合力量。
- The state or quality of being null. 无效无效的状况或性质
- This article mainly discusses the psychological characteristics of patients in orthodontic practice on the view of medical ethics. 正畸治疗中大多数患者有心理问题,从医学伦理学的角度对正畸患者治疗时的心理状态进行分析,探讨相应对策。
- The state or quality of being irrational. 不理智不理智的状态或性质
- Objection:Try to get information of confirmation towards current teaching of Medical Ethics among the medicos in different grades. 目的:了解不同年级医学生对医学伦理学教学的认知差异,为医学伦理学教学改革提供参考资料。
- The state or quality of being libertine. 放荡放荡不羁的状态或性质