- quality of irrigation water 灌溉水质
- The capaoility of irrigate water is on talent! 灌水这东西,是很讲天份的!
- The above-mentioned results indicate that AFI not only saved irrigation water, but also enhanced the yield and improved leaf quality of flue-cured tobacco. AFI能节约灌水量,对烤烟产量有一定的提高作用,并能改善烤烟内在品质;
- Abstract: Good quality of the water sources is essential to WS, especially, the sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation.It is required that the irrigation water contains no or little sediment. 文摘:节水灌溉对水源水质要求很高,尤其是喷灌、滴灌要求水流不含沙或含沙量很小。
- Good quality of the water sources is essential to WS, especially, the sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation.It is required that the irrigation water contains no or little sediment. 节水灌溉对水源水质要求很高,尤其是喷灌、滴灌要求水流不含沙或含沙量很小。
- It is found that the soil salinity increases obviously in the definite deep zone when the salt concentration of irrigation water reaches the critical value. 研究发现灌溉水浓度达到某一临界值时,盐分将在土壤剖面一定深度的土层内聚集明显增大。
- I believe that this iodine dripping method is also practically implementable in other similar iodine deficient areas with good system of irrigation water. 此补碘方法可以在其它具有较完善灌溉系统的碘缺乏地区推广。
- Water is channelled through a series of irrigation canals. 把水引入一系列灌溉渠中。
- The tractor's computer then delivers varying amounts of irrigation water,seed,fertilizer,and pesticides to optimize the production of the land as its condition varies yard by yard. 由于每一码土地的情况都不尽相同,拖拉机的计算机会根据土壤的具体条件,提供相应数量的灌溉用水、化肥、杀虫剂以使土地的产量达到最优。
- The average yield of API and FPI is lower than that of BPI, but the amount of water use for API and FPI is less than that of BPI. It shows API and FPI can enhance the efficiency of irrigation water use. API和FPI的平均产量与BPI的相比有所降低,但是其灌溉水量相对减少,说明了API和FPI能明显提高灌溉水利用效率。
- The tractor's computer then delivers varying amounts of irrigation water, seed, fertilizer, and pesticides to optimize the production of the land as its condition varies yard by yard. 由 于 每 一 码 土 地 的 情 况 都 不 尽 相 同 , 拖 拉 机 的 计 算 机 会 根 据 土 壤 的 具 体 条 件 , 提 供 相 应 数 量 的 灌 溉 用 水 、 化 肥 、 杀 虫 剂 以 使 土 地 的 产 量 达 到 最 优 。
- The condition or quality of being pure or chaste. 纯洁纯洁或贞洁的状况或者品质
- Farmer is the main bearing party of irrigation water price, and the bearing capacity is the important factor which must be considered in the progress of water price reform and poli. 农民是灌溉水价的承受主体,其承受能力是水价改革与政策制定中必须考虑的重要因素。
- He possesses the quality of inspiring confidence. 他有本事能让别人信任他。
- By this means, the water supply and demanding connecting problem, the hardest part of irrigation water usufruct transfer, is resolved, and the water rights transfer can be taken into practices. 从而解决了农业灌溉用水管理和农业用水使用权转让运行中最困难的供、求之间实际接日部分,使得水权转让具有实际可行性。
- The state or quality of being null. 无效无效的状况或性质
- In some countries, the capital needed to fund a programme to raise water productivity can come from cancelling the subsidies that now often encourage the wasteful use of irrigation water. 在一些国家,用于资助一项提高水生产能力计划的资金可能来源于取消对浇灌用水的补贴,现在这种补贴经常导致对浇灌用水的浪费使用。
- The state or quality of being irrational. 不理智不理智的状态或性质
- The state or quality of being libertine. 放荡放荡不羁的状态或性质
- Evaluation of irrigation water consumption is the basal work for hydrological simulation, water resources assessment, irrigation planning, and irrigation water management in a basin. 摘要农业灌溉耗水研究是流域水文模拟与水资源评价、灌区规划与灌溉水管理的基础研究工作。