- "Quality of survival" is our conviction that "the credibility of development" is our commitment to customers. “以质量求生存”是我们的信念,“以信誉求发展”是我们对顾客的承诺。
- An assigned unit of development work usually created to build part of a scenario or quality of service requirement. 分配的开发工作单元,创建该单元通常是为了生成部分方案或服务质量要求。
- The concurrent engineering used in new product development can improve the quality of product,reduce the cost of product and the cycle of development. 并行工程在新产品开发中的应用能够提高产品质量,降低产品成本和缩短开发周期。
- Abstract:Software test is one measure to insure the quality of software, it costs half of time and resource in the whole process of development. 软件测试是保证软件质量的重要手段,它在整个软件开发过程中占据了将近一半的时间和资源。
- Although the individual operators, but always adhere to the quality of survival, to the credibility of development principles. 虽然是个体经营,但始终坚持以质量求生存,以信誉求发展的原则。
- Using a Visual Studio Templates and Policy Wizard can improve the speed and accuracy of development work while raising the quality of the target application. 使用Visual Studio模板和策略向导可以在提高目标应用程序质量的同时提高开发工作的速度和准确性。
- The condition or quality of being pure or chaste. 纯洁纯洁或贞洁的状况或者品质
- Factory "quality of survival, the credibility of Development "for the purposes of business, all staff visit the guide, Qiadan business, and common development. 本厂以“质量求生存、信誉求发展”为经营宗旨,热忱欢迎国内外客商光临指导,洽淡业务,共同发展。
- He possesses the quality of inspiring confidence. 他有本事能让别人信任他。
- With its backwardness, the biggest barrier of development in the minority frontier area comes from its large population, poor human capital and low quality of human resources. 边疆少数民族地区作为欠发达省区,其发展缓慢的最大障碍来自于人口基数大,人力资本短缺以及人力资源质量较差。
- The state or quality of being null. 无效无效的状况或性质
- The quality of survival, to the credibility of development, for the customers to provide quality and thoughtful service, the customer always the first place. 以质量求生存、以信誉求发展,为这客户提供优质周到的服务,把顾客永远放在第一位。
- Taiwan has more than 100 machines, more than 300 production staff, have some experience in production, follow: "quality of survival, to the credibility of development" purposes. 拥有机器100多台,生产人员300多人,具有一定的生产经验,遵循:“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”的宗旨。
- The state or quality of being irrational. 不理智不理智的状态或性质
- The state or quality of being libertine. 放荡放荡不羁的状态或性质
- One quality of wood is that it can burn. 木料的一个特点是能燃烧。
- There has been a slip in the quality of your work. 你的工作质量有所下降。
- The quality of being offensively bold. 轻率,不慎重冒犯性大胆的品质
- The checker checks on the quality of our products. 检查者检查我们的产品的质量。
- Following the embryonic stage of development. 胚胎后期的在胚胎发育期之后的