- Evaluation Of Quality Education In School P.E. 学校体育教育的素质教育价值审视。
- A quality education is the ultimate liberator. 素质教育是终极解放者。
- EA's product quality educational travel hand, it is a hard game of English words. EA出品的精品益智手游;这是一个拼英语单词的游戏.
- However, the unique quality educational standard was in oblivion going with the development of history. 但这种独特的素质教育标准,却在历史的发展中被湮没了。
- Quality educational services exist, but a parent has to be knowledgeable enough to locate them and activist enough to get her child access to them. 高质量的教育确实有,但做父母的必须掌握足够的信息才能找到它,并且必须积极主动才能让孩子得到它。
- The innovative education is an important part in quality education. 创新教育是素质教育的重要内容。
- A research of Quality education on major melody of P.E. 高校体育实施素质教育的理念与实践。
- How do scientific activities after school for quality education? 物理课外科技活动如何为素质教育服务?
- Is the Traditional Mathematics Useful to the Quality Education? 素质教育中还需要传统数学思想吗?
- Respondents also perceive that they can achieve higher quality educational outcomes in the distance-learning environment. 调查对象也认识到,在远程学习环境中,他们可以获得高质量的学习成果。
- PBL education must be backed with high quality education resources. 构建优质教学资源是PBL教学的保障;
- The reputation of BNU is the guarantee of quality education. 你不会明白我付出多少努力才走到了现在。
- EF remains committed to breaking down barriers of language, culture and geography by providing the highest quality educational experiences. EF英孚教育秉承打破语言、文化和地域障碍的理念,使学员体验最高质量的英语教学经历。
- Two Courses" teaching has close connection with humane quality education. 两课"教学与人文素质教育之间具有紧密的联系。
- Look today, we harvest great fruits of quality education in our campus. 看今朝,素质教育硕果结满园。
- How Should A Museum Serve the Schools'Quality Education under New Situations? 新形势下博物馆如何服务学校素质教育?
- You have no reason to deprive me of the right to a quality education. 你没有理由剥夺我受良好教育的权利。
- It is a must to stress quality education in adults' prefessional training. 成人教育,必须强调素质教育,要着力于综合素质的培养提高。
- It means that the clarion for roundly advancing quality education has blew at educational battlefront. 这意味着,克拉里恩为全面推进素质教育已在教育战线引爆。
- Completely carry out the educational policy. Deepen quality education without pause. Strive to improve schooling in characteristics. 全面贯彻教育方针,不断深化素质教育,努力发展办学特色。