- MOSA produces and develops further while maintaining high quality and safety standards. 我们以生产高品质且安全无虞的产品做为发展的最高宗旨。
- We will afford more high quality and safety raw milk. 我国的奶业必将以其人和自然的和谐,为市场提供更多优质、安全的原料奶。
- Raising the quality and safety standard and quickening to undertake the systematic project for the pollution-free agricultural products 提升农产品质量安全水平,加快实施无公害农产品系统工程
- quality and safety standard 质量安全标准
- Objective:To evaluate the meat and meat product in the Alar area to provide a standard of quality and safety for consumer. 目的:对阿拉尔地区部分肉及肉制品进行细菌学评价,为消费者提供健康和安全的饮食标准。
- Cargill Arking assures its product quality and safety in conformity with global uniform standard of Cargill. 嘉吉烯王在产品质量尤其是食品卫生、安全性方面均达到了美国嘉吉的全球统一标准。
- To maintain the stability of product quality and safety to maintain production plant products consistently meet standard requirements. 保持产品质量和安全的稳定性,保持生产厂的产品持续符合标准要求。
- “Our company is committed to ensuring that the products we buy here in China meet the quality and safety standards that our consumers demand,” he added. "我们的公司是犯到确定产品我们在中国买会质量和安全标准我们的消费者要求 , " 他附加的。
- According to principle of " giving priority to prevention, incorporating to protection , managing strictly, and safety first" , combining to concrete cases, we sum up a method how to create a high quality and standard pedagogical experimental environment. 该文本着“预防为主,防治结合,严格管理,安全第一”的原则,结合具体事例,总结了创造一个高质量、高标准的教学实验环境的方法。
- In this paper, the SSOP document and HACCP system were established to improve beef quality and safety in the Company. 本论文在调查和实验研究的基础上,为山东某公司肉牛屠宰分割生产线制定了SSOP文本,继而建立了HACCP体系,提高了该企业牛肉产品的卫生质量。
- Lifelong Quality and Safety Contract with the water-providing engineering headquaters. 为杜绝暗箱操作,参建单位日前与供水工程总指挥部签署了质量、全终身责任书。
- We should strengthen the system for quality and safety of agricultural products and the system of commercialized services for agriculture. 加强农产品质量安全体系和农业社会化服务体系建设。
- To instigate studies and actions to overcome quality and safety problems, to reduce waste and improve team performance. 鼓励研究和行动来克服质量和安全问题,减少浪费和促进小组工作绩效。
- All Coca-Cola licensed merchandise follows clear parameters and procedures for Quality and safety approvals. 为了保证质量和安全,所有可口可乐授权产品遵循有关质量和安全批准的参数和步骤。
- CE mark is an quality and safety mark for the equipment and product shared by the member states of European Union. CE标志是欧盟各成员国共用的设备和产品质量与安全标志。
- Deal with the quality and safety accident; submit investigation results to the higher-level management. 组织对质量事故及安全事故的调查处理,提交调查结果和处理意见供上层参考或备案;
- The chemical constituents of Brazilian propolis were determined and its quality and safety were also evaluated. 本研究对巴西蜂胶样品中的营养成分、农药残留及重金属的种类及含量进行了定性和定量检测,并对其质量和食品安全性进行了评价。
- I'm used to high quality and won't take second-best. 我用惯高质量的东西,差一点儿的都不行。
- Support and implement all appropriate QS9000, BOS and safety standards. 支持并执行所有的适用的QS9000等工作安全系统。
- Pasteurisation of milk can kill bacteria in galactopoiesis so as to secure the quality and safety of drinking. 巴士德消毒的牛奶可以杀死细菌的乳,以确保质量和安全的饮用水。