- Fabrication Data Quality Rating System 印制板制造数据质量定级体系
- The rating system is undergoing some/a complete restructuring. 房地产税制正在进行某些[全面的]调整。
- What is ID rating system working process? 如果进行信用评价?
- That rating system is already installed. 分级系统已经安装。
- To perform the Quality rating to classify the Supplier level. 实施质量分级,按供应商水平分类。
- Inspection and quarantine departments will build a record on product quality and an evaluation system for quality rating, Wang said. 王说,监督检疫部门将创建一份关于产品质量的记录以及一个用于质量评价的评估系统。
- But then, no exchange rate system is perfect. 然而,世上没有完美的汇率制度。
- CBL/VDL verify that high cementing quality rate is 86. 67% af... 射孔前后抗破坏性对比试验也证实增韧水泥石具有良好的抗冲击性能。
- The Linked Exchange Rate system is established. 设立联系汇率制度。
- Second, further adjusts the exchange rate system. 二、进一步调整汇率制度。
- You must choose a rating system for Content Advisor to work. 必须选择分级系统才能使内容审查程序正常工作。
- The world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. 世界又恢复到浮动汇率制度。
- It is very important to set up the individual credit rating system. 建立个人信用体系非常重要。
- YDS - Yosemite Decimal System. The North-American rating system. 尤塞米提十进制系统。北美攀岩难度的分级标准。
- We will accelerate development of a credit rating system. 加快社会信用体系建设。
- The RAE provides quality ratings for research across all disciplines. 而RAE只评价学术水平,是由各个学校提交的学术论文来评定的。
- The proper hydrolysis reaction temperature of benzal chloride was 1000C and the initial quality rate of water p... 经模型检验,发现模型与实验数据的吻和程度较好。
- International prostate symptoms scale (IPSS) and life quality rating indices(QOL) before and after treatment were recorded. 结果:电针组治愈率及好转率与西药组相比较,无显著性差异(P>0.;05)。
- Complete A/B courses &corporate trainings defined in the program, as well as the associated homework with required quality rating. 参加全部要求的技术与技能培训,并达到相应评价标准。
- What course for the exchange rate system of Renminbi to follow? 人民币汇率制度何去何从?