- qualitative visual approach 定性视觉方法, 定性图像法
- Request to make a visual approach for R/W31. 请求向31号跑道做目视进近。
- Request visual approach rwy 09, TNA001. 飞:请求洞九跑道目视进场,复兴洞洞么。
- Descend to 750m, cleared visual approach runway 02L, wilco UPS70. 可以目视进近,跑道02L,下到750米,三五边转弯报告。
- That is to carry on objective quantitative evaluation on the basis of subjective qualitative visual evaluation. 即对融合影像质量在主观定性的目视评价基础上,进行客观定量评价。
- Heading 210, descending to 1500m, visual approach runway 20L, wilco CSN3102. 左转航向210,下到1500,雷达引导进行20L跑道目视进近,目视20L跑道报告。
- Callsign),Shanghai approach, radar contact, via (STAR), expected ILS / visual approach, runway (number), QFE/QNH(number). 1“(呼号),上海进近,雷达看到,按照(标准进港程序)进港,预计盲降/目视进近,跑道(数值),场压(数值)。”
- Callsign),Shanghai approach, radar contact, flying heading (three digits)/ direct to (signification point), vectoring for final, expected ILS / visual approach, runway (number) ,QFE/QNH (number). 2“(呼号),上海进近,雷达看到,航向(三位数)/直飞(某点),雷达引导到五边,预计盲降/目视进近,跑道(数值),场压(数值)。”
- Visual Approach Slope Indicator System 可视进场下滑道指示器系统
- Abbreviated Visual Approach Slope Indicator 简易目视进场下滑遭指示器
- Integrated Visual Approach and Landing Aid System 目力进场与着陆辅降(雷达)综合系统
- Visual Approach Multiple Slope Indicator 目视进场下滑道多重指示群
- T Visual Approach Slope Indicating System T型目视进场下滑指示系统
- Her designs have a strong visual appeal. 她的设计在视觉上很有感染力。
- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。
- Heavy footsteps signalled the teacher's approach. 沉重的脚步声显示教师已经走近了。
- Telescopes and microscopes are visual instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。
- Near-sightedness is a visual defect. 近视是一个视力缺陷。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。
- I'd advise taking a different approach. 我建议换个方式。