- qualified stock option 股份认购权
- Employee stock option plans are also not addressed. 职工优先认股权计划也未做规定。
- Research on accounting of stock option II. 股票期权会计研究2。
- One of the simplest forms of a derivative is a stock option. 最简单的衍生工具形式是股票期权。
- That is why that stock option enjoys panegyric when it appeared. 正因为如此,股票期权从一产生就备受推崇。
- Bond Option The same as a stock option except the underlying asset is a bond. 债券期权与股票期权相同,唯一分别在于相关资产为债券而不是股票。
- He traded in his stock options when they matured. 当他的股份可以出售时,他拿它们来交易。
- A stock option plan gives him shares in the company which he can sell at a profit if the price goes up. 优先认股权计划使得他以从公司提前优惠认购一定股数的股票,一旦股票价格上涨便可以卖出获利。
- The Company is formulating an incentive plan for senior management including plans of stock option. 公司正在制定包括股权激励为内容的管理层激励方案。
- The effects of endowment and loss aversion in managerial stock option valuation By: Devers, Cynthia E. 管理层股票期权评估中的赋予效应与损失厌恶。
- It will solve the trouble of traditional pattern of encouragement by setting up bonus of EVA and stock option plan. 通过建立EVA奖金制度以及EVA购股期权计划能够很好地解决传统激励方式(奖金、期权)内容提要失效的问题。
- Welcome enthusiasts of stock option trading, futures trading and commodity option trading! 欢迎爱好者股票期权交易,期货贸易和商品贸易的选择!
- Stock options are a good way to motivate employees to work harder. 股票选择权是激励员工更努力工作的好方法。
- Can Backdating Explain the Abnormal Returns around Taiwanese Employee Stock Option Grants? 题名:回溯日期可以解释台湾员工认股选择权给予日附近的异常报酬率吗?
- The basic roadmap of stock option pricing for gaming are studied through game theory. 运用博弈论,拟定了股票期权定价博弈的基本思路。
- I'd like to know something about the stock options in this company. 我想知道有关公司股权认购的事情。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- Vince: I want to 1) offer you more InfoKing stock options. 文斯:我要提供你资讯王的认股权。
- The lawsuit alleges the accused intentionally filed false documents, concealing stock option grants to executives. 诉状称,被告故意提交虚假文件,隐瞒股票期权的赠款,以行政人员。
- In spite of this, to China"s companies, especially the IPO companies, it is inevitable to introduce the Stock Option. 尽管如此,对于我国企业,尤其是上市公司,推行股票期权制度是必然的发展趋势。