- quadric discriminator 二次判别器
- We call this surface the stress quadric. 我们称这个曲面为应力二次曲面。
- Conic sections and quadric surfaces. 二次曲线与二次曲面。
- The strategy and the discriminator type is implicit. 该策略和鉴别器类型是内含的。
- How to prove the problems of inequality by quadric form is discussed. 讨论了利用二次型证明不等式的问题.
- A simple method of solving an orthogonal transformation with a primary transformation is presented by change quadric form into canonical form. 给出了利用初等变换求一个正交变换化实二次型为标准形的简便方法。
- For high count-rate of the EELCS is designed a new non-delay-line constant fraction discriminator and a spectroscopy amplifier with pile up rejection. 考虑到谱仪的高计数率的特点,设计了适应高计数率的反堆积放大器和无延迟线恒比定时甄别器。
- It has appeared many results about regularity for weak solutions of quadric jncreasing parabolic equations. 得到了一类二阶散度型椭圆方程很弱解的一个正则性结果。
- This circuit can be widely used in input amplitude discriminator and anticoincidence test. 该反符合电路主要用于输入信号幅度甄别和反符合测量。
- The key idea of SSVM is to transform the standard model of SVM into an unconstraint quadric convex programming problem. SSVM模型的基本思想是将标准的支撑向量机模型转化成一个无约束二次凸规划模型进行求解。
- In an FM receiver, the limiter and discriminator stages are circuits that respond solely to changes in frequency. 在调频接收器中,限幅器和鉴别器这两个设备仅对频率的变化做出反应。
- Extracting quadric surface from measured data is an important problem in reverse engineering of mechanical parts. 摘要在机械产品的逆向工程中,针对测量数据提取常用二次曲面是非常重要的。
- This paper proposes for the first time to use genetic algorithm based on real-number-coding to extract quadric surface. 首次提出利用基于实数编码的遗传算法针对离散数据点进行二次曲面提取。
- A simpler and more useful phase discriminator was designed because the export pulses can not change at the same time. 根据编码器输出信号不能同时跳变的特点,设计了一种更简单有效的双向触发鉴相电路。
- On the area of actual process, It is often seen that one surface of the part is quadric surface. 在实际生产中,如果某一加工表面是二次曲面,对于这类曲面轮廓的加工常采用数控加工方法。
- Using the code, we produced a gear-like discriminator by MEMS fabrication technologies. 根据生成的编码,使用MEMS加工技术,“一体化”加工完成了基于UQS技术的齿轮鉴码机构。
- At last, the commonly methods and steps for represention quadric surfaces using NURBS was find. 最后总结出了二次曲面进行NURBS表示的一般方法和步骤。
- Working principle,design methods and testing results of a small microwave phase discriminator are proposed. 描述了小型微波鉴相器的工作原理、设计方法和测试结果。
- Technology parameters were optimized by quadric regression orthogonal rotary design experiments. 结果表明,多糖得率的主要影响因素及其顺序为浸提温度、浸提时间、液固比;
- Quartz crystal, crystal oscillator, ceramic resonator, ceramic filter, saw filter, ceramic discriminator. 石英谐振器,石英震荡器,陶瓷谐振器,陶瓷滤波器,声表面滤波器,鉴频器