- quadrature kilovolt amperes 无功千伏安
- Many large capacitor banks are switched on and off as the system need for reactive kilovolt amperes changes. 许多大容量电容器组根据系统对无功容量需要的变化新投切。
- This fuse is rated at50 amperes. 这根保险丝的熔断极限是五十安培的电流
- This fuse is rated at 50 amperes. 这根保险丝的熔断极限是五十安培的电流
- Set up quadrature cells in the domain. 设置域内的积分单元。
- Groovy transmission voltage is 500 kilovolt. 通例的传输电压为500千伏。
- New 110 kilovolt power transmission project cities. 新建大城市110千伏输变电工程。
- It is easy to calculate the number of amperes. 计算安培数是不难的。
- A half moon is visible at the quadrature of the moon. 半形月在月弦的地方可以看得见。
- Nutlet quadrature circle, dust-colour. 小坚果矩圆形,灰褐色。
- Lange was used for quadrature coupler. 正交耦合电桥采用兰格电桥。
- Quadrature amplitude modulation. 正交幅度调变。
- The scale under the pointer reads directly in amperes. 指针下的刻度读数即为安培数。
- The county center that built 110 kilovolt social estate changes.. 建成了110千伏等级的县城中心变...
- The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of current equal to ten amperes. 电磁安培厘米一克一秒电磁单位,相当于10安培
- An instrument for measuring an electric current in amperes. 以安培为单位测量电流的仪表。
- The strength of an electric current expressed in amperes. 电流强度用安培数表示的电流强度
- A Determine exact and analytical stresses at quadrature points. a得到每个积分点的应力。
- The rate at which the electricity flows is measured in amperes. 电流速度用安培测量。
- Quadrature test design and its application to power plant. 电厂化学实验。