- quad tabulation 空格制表
- Cadets forming up in the barracks quad. 军队学员在军营的院子里排着队
- VT? Vertical Tabulation character? 垂直列表字符,竖向制表?
- An IP address whose last quad is 0. 最后一格为0的IP地址。
- Are you talking about 'Quad Flat No-Lead' package? 不会吧,你这是四面扁平无铅封装啊。;
- Fortran Analytical Cross reference Tabulation System, FORTRAN. 分析交叉引用制表系统。
- The front quad, where I lived, was floored and tented. 在我居住的四方院子的前排楼房下已经铺起地板,支起帐篷。
- And I read the tabulation of the votes with interest. 我也饶有兴致地读了那些投票组成的那个表格。
- The major data tabulation work has now been completed. 调查的内容包括全国及各省(区、市)各类残疾人的数量、结构、地区分布、致残原因、生活状况以及康复、教育、就业等方面的情况。
- That evening I went across the quad to visit Collins. 当天傍晚,我穿过院子去找科林斯。
- My quad drum give a lot, it give me stamina, and health. 我的“组合中鼓“给了我很多,它给了我毅力,耐力,健康。
- Goethe's mysterious vampiress, set with a quad of black crystals. 歌德式神秘的吸血鬼造型;嵌有一套黑水晶.
- The physics department sits across the quad from the library. 从图书馆横穿过四方院就是物理系。
- Or you could even go half way between a quad and a biped model. 或者,你甚至可以在四足和两足模式中各取一半。”
- A quad amplifier contains four identical circuit units. 一台四元组放大器包含四个恒等电路单元。
- Tab: Short for tabulation, used to align columns of text or figures. 定位:英文是简写,用来把文字或数字依照栏位对齐。
- A tabulation of a function of two variables is cumbersome, but possible. 二元函数的列表法是不方便的,然而是可能的。
- Tab: Short for tabulation, used to align columns of text or figures. 定位:英文是简写,用来把文字或数字依照栏位对齐。
- The first throw quad salchow Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo attempted was flawless. 申雪和越宏博试作的和一个四周抛跳完美无瑕。
- Tab: Short for tabulation, used to align columns of text or figures. 定位:英文是简写, 用来把文字或数字依照栏位对齐。