- Cadets forming up in the barracks quad. 军队学员在军营的院子里排着队
- An IP address whose last quad is 0. 最后一格为0的IP地址。
- Are you talking about 'Quad Flat No-Lead' package? 不会吧,你这是四面扁平无铅封装啊。;
- Fig6-8, the same case, M, 26, quadriplegia 1 week after dive. 图6-8为同一患者,男,26岁,潜水后四肢截瘫1周入院。
- The front quad, where I lived, was floored and tented. 在我居住的四方院子的前排楼房下已经铺起地板,支起帐篷。
- That evening I went across the quad to visit Collins. 当天傍晚,我穿过院子去找科林斯。
- My quad drum give a lot, it give me stamina, and health. 我的“组合中鼓“给了我很多,它给了我毅力,耐力,健康。
- Goethe's mysterious vampiress, set with a quad of black crystals. 歌德式神秘的吸血鬼造型;嵌有一套黑水晶.
- The physics department sits across the quad from the library. 从图书馆横穿过四方院就是物理系。
- The patients with spastic quadriplegia of CP have the most complication. 痉挛型四肢瘫合并症最多。
- Or you could even go half way between a quad and a biped model. 或者,你甚至可以在四足和两足模式中各取一半。”
- A quad amplifier contains four identical circuit units. 一台四元组放大器包含四个恒等电路单元。
- The first throw quad salchow Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo attempted was flawless. 申雪和越宏博试作的和一个四周抛跳完美无瑕。
- The matching triangle that completes the first quad uses indices1,4 and5. 相对应的为了形成一个正方形,第二个三角形的索引设置为1,4,5。
- The quad was assigned to accomplish the market planning in two weeks. 这个小组被指定在两周内完成一份市场销售计划。
- Lack of Calcium in women, especially pregnant women, would cause quadriplegia, ache, and clonus etc. 妇女,特别是孕妇妇女缺钙会引起手足麻木,腰酸背痛、抽筋等。
- First, it is always possible to circumscribe a sphere in a camera-aligned quad. 首先,它总能保证和一个与摄像机对齐的矩形相切。
- Quad tones are so complex that they require an entire article to explain. 四音调是如此复杂,它们需要整篇文章来说明。
- Quad Tones have yet to be added to the web site but will be shortly. 四音尚待加到网站上,不过近期内就会做到。
- The clinical work-up revealed that 12 had spastic quadriplegia;2 had hemiplegia;3 had spastic displegia;and 1 case had hypotonic cerebral palsy. 全部的病例均为脑性麻痹儿,其中12例为痉挛性四肢瘫痪,3例为下肢瘫痪,2例为半身偏瘫,1例为低张脑性痳痹。