- Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Safflower Yellow Injection (SYI) in treating coronary heart disease and angina pectoris (CUD-AP) with heart blood stagnation syndrome (HBSS). 摘要目的评价注射用红花黄色素治疗冠心病心绞痛(心血瘀阻证)安全性及有效性。
- Heart - blood stagnation syndrome 心血瘀阻证
- The scapulocostal syndrome was belongs to arthromyodynia.The main pathogenesis was meridian blocking and qi and blood stagnation that should be treated with regular acupuncture. 并指出肩胛肋骨综合征属中医学痹证范畴,主要病机在于经络阻塞,气血凝滞,可用"齐刺法"治疗。
- Difference Between Blood- Stasis Syndrome and Coronary Heart Disease with Heart- Blood Stagnation Syndrome 冠心病心血瘀阻证和血瘀证差异的临床研究
- Under the guidance of the qi and blood syndrome identifying, we consider the mechanism of Acute Cholecystitis is qi ang blood stagnation of liver and gallbladder, hinge inefficiency, heat sticking. 在气血辨证的指导下,认为急性胆囊炎病机为肝胆郁热,枢机失调;气郁血瘀,胆失通降。
- The key of pathogenesis mainly includes qi stagnation, turbid phlegm and blood stagnation. 病机关键以气滞、痰凝、血瘀为主;
- blood stagnation syndrome 蓄血征
- Objective: To observe the curative effect of qi - benefiting, circulation - activating and blood - stasis - dissipating prescriptions for pelvic blood stagnation. 目的:观察益气活血化瘀方药为主治疗盆腔瘀血症的临床疗效。
- Objective] To evaluate the effect and security of Jianpi Xiaozhang granule(JXG) in treating functional dyspepsia (FD) or fullness of the spleen deficiency and qi stagnation syndrome. 评价健脾消胀颗粒对功能性消化不良(FD)脾虚气滞证痞满患者的治疗效果和安全性。
- The authors hold that over middle age,the declination of kidney qi is the chief cause for ageing and deficiency of spleen and blood stagnation are also contributory to senility.The ... 认为中年以后肾气衰退是衰老的重要原因,脾虚及血瘀亦起一定作用,在神阙、足三里穴施行保健灸具有温阳益气、活血通络作用,是一种自我保健的方法。
- Discussion on Pathogenesis and Differentiation Stages in Heat and Blood Stagnated Syndrome of Seasonal Febrile Disease 温病热瘀证的病机及分期证治探讨
- Qi -deficiency and collateral stagnation syndrome 气虚络阻证
- Keywords xuemaining granule;blood stagnating syndrome;micrangium permeability;microcirculation;experimental study; 血脉宁颗粒;血瘀证;微血管通透性;微循环;实验研究;
- In large doses this herb dispels blood stagnation, while in small amounts it harmonizes the blood. 大剂量时,该草本会驱散血液的停滞凝结,而小剂量时则协调血液。
- qi deficiency and blood stagnation 气虚血瘀型
- Tilmicosin E.colli endotoxin, Blood Stagnation SyndromeModel, XueYuZhuFu decoction, Hemorheology, Pharmacokinetics. 01替米考星,大肠杆菌内毒素,血瘀证模型,血府逐瘀汤,血液流变学,药代动力学
- Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of Tangmoning Granule (TMG) in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy with Qi-deficiency and collateral stagnation syndrome. 摘要目的评价糖末宁颗粒治疗糖尿病性周围神经病变(气虚络阻证)的安全性和有效性。
- Objective To assess the therapeutic effect and safety of "Longxiong Pingchuan" Capsule (LPC) in treating bronchial asthma with sputum-stasis stagnation syndrome. 摘要目的评价龙香平喘胶囊治疗支气管哮喘(痰瘀互阻、肺失宣降证)的临床疗效和安全性。
- Five minutes of Sarvangasana should be sufficient to counteract the problem of blood stagnation in the lower part o the body. 5分钟的肩肘倒立体式练习,将足以抵消因血液循环停滞在下半身所产生的问题。
- Yu LZ, Lei ZQ, Shen YJ, et al.The effect of Liangge San on the microcirculation of blood stagnation model mice [J].Pharmacol Clin Chin Mater Med, 1996, 12(2): 1-3. [3]余林中;雷载权;沈映君;等.;凉膈散对小鼠内毒素血瘀模型微循环的影响[J]