- pyroelectric cameratube 热电摄象管
- Latest Development of Hybrid Uncooled Pyroelectric IR FPA[J]. 引用该论文 胡旭;黄承彩;太云见;蔡毅.
- Design and research of pyroelectric null detector[J]. 引用该论文 侯建伟;瑚琦;顾玲娟;李雯;王勇.
- pyroelectric thermal imaging cameratube 热(释)电热成象摄象管
- Pyroelectric detector is actually a sensor sensitive to temperature. 摘要热释电型探测器实际是一种对温度敏感的传感器。
- The analyzing of pyroelectric refrigeration in Semiconductor material. 半导体材料热电制冷剖析。
- The discovery of pyroelectric effect is a base for laser and infrared detector. 热释电效应的发现,为激光和红外探测的应用奠定了良好的基础。
- Implement of Pyroelectric IRFPA Nonuniformity Correction Using FPGA[J]. 引用该论文 闫文成;沈晓燕;皮德富.
- A High-Precision Optic Fiber Colorimeter Using Pyroelectric Detector[J]. 引用该论文 施德恒;刘玉芳;陈玉科;朱遵略;孙金锋.
- Status and trend of pyroelectric uncooled infrared focal plane arrays[J]. 引用该论文 陈实;张海波;姜胜林;曾亦可;刘梅冬.
- Study on Measuring Diffusivity of Materials by Pyroelectric Effect[J]. 引用该论文 王培吉;张仲;范素华.
- Electric heat yuan receive different pyroelectric different, not offset by the signal processing and alarm. 电元接收到的热量不同,热释电也不同,不能抵消,经信号处理而报警。
- The internal device such as noise and interference, such as optical pyroelectric sensor signal and transient. 内部由于器件等的噪声和干扰,如光热释感应器的信号瞬变等。
- The dielectric permittivity and pyroelectric coefficient of Tb -modif ied Sr 0.61Ba 0.39Nb2O6crystals were measured. 用铽改性SBN晶体能有效地改善晶体的性质。 实验测量了铽改性Sr0.;61Ba0
- The growth conditions and dielectric as well as pyroelectric properties of TGSe are reported. 还报导了TGSe 优质单晶的生长条件和它的介电、热电性能。
- The ferroelectric thin films had good crystallization behaviour,excellent dielectric and pyroelectric properties. 该类铁电薄膜具有良好的结晶特性、优异的介电和热释电性能。
- This paper analyzed the characteristics of the pyroelectric detector based on its working principle. 摘要根据热释电探测器工作原理,对其使用特点进行了分析。
- Research and ferroelectric polymers and their application to integrated pyroelectric sensors. 聚合物材料的研究和应用整合,如焦热电感应器。
- The Pyroelectric relaxation of TGS ferroelectric composites based on EP has been studied. 研究了以环氧树脂EP为基的TGS铁电复合材料的热电弛豫现象。
- The potential application fields of PLCT series pyroelectric thin films were also discussed in this paper. 并对PLCT系列热释电薄膜材料的应用前景作了探讨。