- pyretic stranguria 热淋
- The pyretic acid formed by GLYCOLYSIS is broken down into acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide. 糖酵解过程中产生的丙酮酸分解为乙醛和二氧化碳。
- Although more urine yellow common in pyretic syndrome, but it is not unique to heat syndrome. 小便黄赤虽然多见于热证,但并非热证所独有。
- Results: The experiment proved that Dipseudoephedrine Glycyrrhizin can decrease the anus temperature of pyretic... 结论:甘草酸二伪麻黄碱盐有明显的解热作用;观察剂量下未见增加心率和升高血压的副作用发生。
- Methods Yeast was injected to rats,and endotoxin to rabbits to replicate the pyretic model. 方法给大鼠注射酵母菌,给家兔注射内毒素,复制发热模型,测定药后各时间点肛温,计算各时间点体温变化。
- This article introduced successful treatment of one case of menstrual stranguria by clearing heat and disinhibiting dampness, enriching yin and blood. 介绍一经行淋痛案,于清热利湿方中加养阴补血之剂而收效。
- Actually, ZHANG Zhong-jing has never mentioned the two words: meridian and fu or pyretic syndrome and sthenic syndrome. 张仲景于原文中并未提经腑两字,也未言热证、实证,实乃后世为便于归纳而有所阐发。
- It was discovered that the diggings preserves 6.99 billion ton coal and 3.2 billion ton pyretic in Gulin and Xuyong. 纳溪区腹地煤炭、硫铁矿资源十分丰富,其中古叙矿区探明煤炭储量69亿吨,硫铁矿32亿吨。
- The mechanism of moxibustion on treating pyretic diseases was discussed from the view of modern physiology. 通过分析传统艾灸疗法治疗发热性疾病的作用过程,从现代生理学角度探讨艾灸退热的机理。
- The doctor is broken for inside pyretic, eat to cold medicine, the result has vomit and diarrhea, connected a meal to also cannot eat. 医生断为内热病,给寒药吃,结果上吐下泻,连饭也不能吃了。
- Exogenic pyrogen regulates the body temperature center by means of neural intermedia,pyretic cytokine and endogenic pyrogen,which finally increase the body temperature. 方法运用医学统计学原理,对开放性学术信息综合分析。
- We reach a conclusion as follows: (1) The principle of pyretic tonif ication of heart yang improved patients symptoms and electrocardiographic changes evidently . (4)温阳益心法能够改善血液流变学异常,明显降低全血粘度、血浆粘度及血小板聚集率。
- So we should regulate the function of qi,blood and water using Chinese medicine to interfere in ALI at the early stage and pay close attention on pyretic toxicity. 提出:在急性肺损伤的早期肺气血水的功能紊乱几乎同时出现,早期中药的干预也应该从调整气血水的功能入手,同时不能忽视热毒在该病中的作用。
- Because Taiwan live pig produces foot-and-mouth disease, holand erupts again the pig is pyretic, bring about international market pig and pork to supply shortage, rise in price. 由于台湾生猪发生口蹄疫,荷兰又爆发猪热病,导致国际市场猪及猪肉供给短缺,价格上涨。
- Systematically arranged the documents of four eminent physicians in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties on cause of disease,pathogenesis,curative methods and herbs most in use of stranguria and so on. 对金元四大家在淋病的成因、机理、治疗方法、常用药物等方面的文献进行了系统梳理,在病因上,张从正、李杲、朱丹溪都是继承和发展了刘完素"淋因于热"的观点。
- Bases on the cognition of Heat-Toxin-Stasis form TCM, we suggested a hypothesis that Stagnation of Pyretic Toxicity results in aurue of apoplexy, and claritied the pathogenesis and significauce in the clinical work. 摘要本文从中医学对热、毒、瘀的认识着手,提出中风先兆的热毒积瘀学说,并进一步阐明其发病机制及对临床的指导意义。
- Influenced by the ideas of the authors in different generations the doctors usually classified yangming disease into meridian syndrome and fu-syndrome or pyretic syndrome and sthenic syndrome. 阳明病的分类问题,受注家的学术思想影响,或以经证与腑证分类,或以热证与实证分类。
- Pyrexia is an effect due to pyretic cytokine and negatively regulating factors,the reaction is about the regulatory increasing of temperature caused by the response of pyrogen from the body. 结果多种致热性细胞因子和负调节介质共同作用,使机体温核集团对致热原作用发生指向性调控。
- Keywords stranguria;kidney deficiency;damp-heat; 淋证;肾虚;湿热;
- lumbago with blood stasis; stony stranguria 沥血腰痛