- pyramis ossis temporatis 锥体
- pyramis ossis temporalis [医] 颞骨锥部
- "He is an Ossi," she said, and she kept thinking how to summarize him. 当我询问她对巴拉克的看法时她想了很久。
- Trochus pyramis Born is of gonophores.The male reproductive system is mainly composed of the spermaries and spermaductus, instead of mating and others glands. 摘要塔形马蹄螺为雌雄异体,其雄性生殖系统主要由精巢和输精管组成,没有交接器,也没有其他的附属腺体。
- Communists in East Germany were du to each other, which gives it a sinister ring to some Ossis. 过去东德的共产党员也用“你”来互相称呼,在一些东德人看来,这让他们愈发邪恶了。
- This paper describes a method of resolution for a caput ossis femoris in non-CT locating in robot total knee replacement operation. 介绍用于机器人全膝关节置换术的无CT定位方法中股骨头中心坐标的求解方法。
- There were 12 lesions, including 4 acetabula,1 ramus,2 proximal ends of tibia,3 talus,1 collu m scapulae,and 1 caput ossis femoris. 12例病变部位为髋臼附近 4例 ,胫骨上端 2例 ,距骨 3例 ,内踝、肩胛盂和股骨头各 1例。
- In Germany, there are Wessis, those who were born and grew up in the former West Germany, and Ossis, those from the old, communist East Germany. 在德国有两类人:Wessi和Ossi。前者生长于前西德,后者则来自原属共产主义的前东德。
- Objective: To compare the collum ossis femoris non-under bone fracture treatment result between that of being treated by the mean of micro self-made appliance and by other technique like treatment. 目的:比较自制器械行微创术治疗股骨颈非头下型骨折与其它术式的治疗效果。
- lamina horizontalis ossis palatina 腭骨水平板
- lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis 筛骨筛状板
- lamina horizontalis ossis palatini 腭骨水平板
- lamina orbitalis ossis ethmoidalis 眶板, 筛骨眶板
- lamina papyracea ossis ethmoidalis 筛骨纸板, 眶板
- lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis 筛骨垂直板
- lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini 腭骨垂直板
- eminelntia articularis ossis temporalis [医] 关节结节
- eminentia articularis ossis temporalis 颞骨关节结节
- eminentia orbitalis ossis zygomatici 颧骨眶隆凸
- corniculum internum ossis hyoidei 舌骨(内)小角