- Pharmaceuticals also are affecting sentinel species at the foundation of the pyramid of life -- such as earthworms in the wild and zooplankton in the laboratory, studies show. 研究显示,药物还影响到了位于生命金字塔基层的。。生物--例如:野生环境中的蚯蚓和实验室中的浮游动物。
- A pyramid of stones marked the spot. 那地点用一堆堆成金字塔形状的石头作了标记。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- And there would be a new beginning. A new Tree of Life would spring forth from this pyramid, and its matrix, joining with the other 11 pyramids of creation. 而就会有新的开端。一新生命树从这金字塔和它的矩阵里蓬勃生长,与其它11个创造的金字塔相连接。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- We talked for hours about the meaning of life. 我们谈人生的意义谈了几个小时。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。
- It is the Great Pyramid of Giza[1] . 这就是吉萨的大金字塔。
- Good books are an enrichment of life. 良好的书藉是使人生变得充实之物。
- Pyramid of Cheops yet to yield up secrets. 乔普斯金字塔还没有完全展现它的神秘风采。
- It is a matter of life and death for them. 这事对他们来说是生死攸关。
- Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. 天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。
- He was battling against the vicissitudes of life. 他在每况愈下的生活中奋斗。
- Music is the breath of life to him. 音乐是他生活的必需品。
- The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment. 胜利者尼奴塔腾空了大金字塔的装备。
- Free will makes us able to choose our way of life. 自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式。
- Love is the footing stone and summit of our pyramid of survival. 爱是我们生存的金字塔的基石和顶点。
- His view of life is different from yours. 他的人生观与你的不同。
- I've got used to this kind of life. 这种生活我们已经习惯了。