- putting eyedrops in eyes 点眼药法
- He was a thorn in eyes of the government. 他是政府的眼中钉、肉中刺。
- The doctors have developed a new technique in eye surgery. 这些医生研究出了一种眼外科的新技术。
- Objective: To study the influence on VEP of PRP in eyes with DR. 目的:探索全视网膜光凝(PRP)对于糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)患者视觉诱发电位(VEP)的影响。
- If the office perhaps had in the home " red-eyed disease " patient, actualer is a preventive eye ointment or eyedrops in order to prevent infection. 如果办公室或者家里有了“红眼病”病人,比较实际的就是滴一滴预防性的眼药以防止感染。
- Li Yapeng should not be excessive, in eye also pan-thioindigo red. 李亚鹏别过头,眼里还泛着红光。
- Objective Houttuynia eyedrops in the treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis was inspected on its effectiveness and safety. 摘要目的比较鱼腥草滴眼液和氧氟沙星滴眼液治疗流行性角膜结膜炎的效果和安全性。
- The application studies of Fang Zhi Ling eyedrop in the prevention and treatment of electric ophthalmia. 防治灵滴眼液防治电光性眼炎的应用研究
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- Not only the firm that has entered this field closely bite into is not put, more brim industries also are in eye covetously. 中国手机市场已成为一块令众人垂涎的“肥肉”。不但已经进入该领域的厂商紧紧咬住不放,更多的边缘行业也在虎视眈眈。
- The incident put her in a bad mood. 这件事使她心情很不好。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- Exposure to G and GA caused mild irritation in eyes, nose, and airways. 暴露于水性油漆混合物及油漆与氨混合物会造成眼睛、鼻子及呼吸道轻微的刺激。
- I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain. 我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。
- In eye brilliance as before, Is flashing as before the gray astringency. 眼中的光彩依旧,依旧闪动着灰涩。
- He spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in it. 他放了太多的盐,把那盘汤糟蹋了。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。
- We put the books in piles on the floor. 我们把书在地板上堆起来。
- A study found that people who bicycled four times a week for 40 minutes had a 20 percent drop in eye pressure. 一项研究发现,一星期骑自行车4次共40分钟的人,眼压降低20%25。
- My friend put me in a white-collar slot. 我朋友使我从事一份白领工作。