- His experience is being put to good use there. 他的经验现在正在那里很好加以利用。
- To put to good use;use profitably. 善用很好地利用;获利地使用
- To put to good use; use profitably. 善用很好地利用;获利地使用。
- The waste water, after being filtered, was put to good use. 废水经过过滤,得到了很好的利用。
- The money your parents gave you should be put to good use. 应该擅于利用你父母给你的钱。
- The waste water,after being filtered,was put to good use. 废水经过过滤,得到了很好的利用。
- You can be sure that all the material you supply us will be put to good use. 你可以放心,你们给我们提供的材料全将很好地利用上。
- You can be sure that the money you give them will be put to good use. 你尽管放心,你送给他们的钱会妥善地加以利用。
- It is a skill she might have put to good use in South Korea on Monday. 这在周一她访问韩国时可能会派上用场。
- Any size of donation would be very much appreciated and put to good use. 对于任何数量的捐赠我们都将不胜感激,并会放到好的用途上。
- They decided that father's old tools could probably be put to good use at the seminary. 他们认为我父亲用过的旧工具在神学院或许能够派上好用场。
- He'll be able to put his experience to good use in the new job. 他能在新的工作中把他的经验派上用场了。
- In the following sections, I will address more important aspects of the class diagram that you can put to good use. 在下面的部分中,我将会引导你到你会使用的类图的更重要的方面。
- Sometimes, however, the ability of bars to deform appreciably in torsion is put to good use. 但是,有时要利用杆件在扭转时具有可观变形的能力。
- Our entrepreneur should have a generous heart to put to good use licity in the business circles. 我们的企业家应以海纳百川的胸襟在商海合法合理地点兵布阵;
- As in all of her roles, Fenech is more than mere eye candy and her natural comedic abilities are put to good use. 戏中戏里的告白、亲吻和求婚是如此的轻易,而对于制作影片的这些人物来说,要察觉自己和对方的感情,说出一句“我爱你”却是如此的艰难。
- Such attitudes amount to a recognition that leisure is an important area of life and a belief that leisure can and should be put to good use. 这种态度就是承认休闲是生活的一个重要的方面,相信休闲能够并且应该得到充分利用。
- Caborn went on: "Competition is bound to be fierce. However, the experience gained in London's successful 2012 Olympic bid will be put to good use. 卡勃继续说:“世界杯是一定要举办成功的。然而,成功申办伦敦2012年奥运会的经验也是非常有用的。
- Shareholders want to know that their money is being put to good use, and employees want to be actively involved in good works. 股东们想要知道他们的钱是否被很好的使用,雇员们想要积极地介入到好的工作当中。
- These brought a challenge to all sale personnel, but the action that also gives sale provided space of vaster put to good use and skill. 这些给所有营销人员都带来了挑战,但也给营销的行为提供了更广阔的施展空间与技巧。