- Tom decided to put his money on a long shot. 汤姆决定把钱投在一种风险很大的事业上。
- Jim staked all his money on the black horse. 吉姆把所有的钱都押在那匹黑马上了。
- He has put all his money on the stock market. 他把自己所有的钱都投到了股市上。
- He put his shirt on the white horse, but he lost all his money as the white horse failed to become the first. 他将钱都押在那匹白马上,但白马未取得第一,他的钱就全输了。
- He spent a lot of his money on frivolous things. 他在一些无聊的事上花了好多钱。
- He scraped out a hole in the wall to put his money in. 他在墙上挖了个洞把钱放了进去。
- He put all his money on the race, but he lost all of it. 他将他所有的钱来赌这场比赛,但他全部输掉了。
- He put all his money on the race,but he lost all of it. 他将他所有的钱来赌这场比赛,但他全部输掉了。
- He gamble his money on one spin of the wheel. 他把钱压在一局上。
- He ventured all his money on the final try. 他以他所有的钱做最后的孤注一掷。
- Mr. Baker passed his money on to his children . 贝克先生把钱都留给了子女。
- He's wagered all his money on the third race. 他把全部赌注押在第三次比赛上。
- He put his shirt on the white horse,but he lost all his money as the white horse failed to become the first. 他将钱都押在那匹白马上,但白马未取得第一,他的钱就全输了。
- He risked all his money on a game of cards. 他冒险把自己所有的钱都押在了一场纸牌游戏上。
- My uncle squandered all his money on gambling. 我叔叔把自己的钱全糟蹋在赌博上了。
- Mr.Baker passed his money on to his children. 贝克先生把钱都留给了子女。
- The beggar had a good day and put his money into his shoes for safekeeping. 这个乞丐今天收入非常好,他把钱放到鞋子里保存起来。
- He decided to venture all his money on the scheme. 他决定冒险把他所有的钱都投到那个项目里去。
- He expends all his money on stocks. 他用所有的钱去炒股。