- You better not put a hand on me. 你们谁也不许碰我。
- Marlene put a hand on his balled-up fist. 玛琳用一只手放在他握起来的拳头上。
- He put a hand on her elbow to guide her to the door. 他扶着她的胳膊肘,把她带到门口。
- He put a hand on Burak's shoulder as they were about to leave the room. 当他们离开这个房间时,他把手搭在了巴拉克的肩膀上。
- Chase put a hand on each door and put all his weight against them as the thing pounded from the other side. 蔡司双手抵住两扇门,用全身的重量撑在门上,抵抗那东西在另一侧的反复冲击。
- I had to put a hand on her stomach and dust in my message down his arms and hands in the hands of my neck. 我只好把手放到了她肚子上,烟尘顺势倒在我的怀里,用手勾住了我的脖子。
- At last, Melanie put a hot hand on her waist. 末了,媚兰伸出一只滚烫的手搂住她的腰。
- The old man put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 老人把一只令人安心的手放在我的肩膀上。
- Put a hand on beneficiary's shoulder, stroke with another hand from shoulder blade to either side of the small of the back. 一只手扶住受术者肩部,另一只手全掌,分别从背部的肩胛部着力,推抚至腰骶处止。
- Operation: Put a hand on beneficiary's shoulder, stroke with another hand from shoulder blade to either side of the small of the back. 操作:一只手扶住受术者肩部,另一只手全掌,分别从背部的肩胛部着力,推抚至腰骶处止。
- As the serge stepped into the room, his rifle at trail, Rhett, evidently trying to steady himself, put a hand on the captain's arm and, with difficulty, focused his eyes. 那位中士拖着枪迈步走进屋里,瑞德显然还是站立不稳,他把一只手搭在队长胳膊上,费了好大的劲才把眼神集中起来。
- Moved by the recollection of that terrible event, as well as the obvious need for sign-language, Princess Diana put a hand on her stomach and gave a wince. 黛安娜王妃想到那宗恐怖事件,又见双方交谈非用手势不可,于是一手按肚子,苦脸,身体向后微微一弯。
- I clamped a hand on his shoulder. 我用一只手紧紧抓住他的肩膀。
- Ian placed a hand on her shoulder. 伊恩把一只手搭在她的肩上。
- Here's a photo of a hand on a light. 这里的照片出手就轻。
- He put a hand to his forehead to ease the pressure. 他把一只手放在额头上,以缓解压力。
- O'Brien laid a hand on his shoulder, almost kindly. 奥勃良一手按在他肩头上,几乎是很同情似的。
- If he lays a hand on me, I'll brain him. 如果他敢动手,我就打碎他的脑袋。
- If you so much as lay a hand on her, I'll kill you. 不要对她有非份之想,否则我连你都杀了。
- Edmund: [wiping a hand on his shirt] Well, quite. 爱德蒙:[在他的衬衫上擦着一只手]好吧,很好。