- A maul used by masons in fitting stones. 定位槌石匠在摆放石头时使用的槌子
- Amos used to push in where he was not wanted. 艾莫斯经常不招自来,到处乱闯。
- Suddenly I felt a push in the back. 突然我感到后面有人推我。
- You switch on, push in the disk and there you are! 你打开开关,把磁盘推进去就行了!
- It will give you a push in the opposite direction. 它会将你向相反方向推去。
- Remove SD card. Push in the reset button. 移掉SD卡,软起即可。
- PUSH IN on Tommy's face as he listens. 镜头推进正在仔细倾听的汤米的面部。
- Push in a little bit, everybody. 大家朝里挤一点。
- Don't push in; wait in line like everyone else. 别挤进来, 要像大家一样挨个儿排队。
- Epimetheus had in his house a jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles, for which, in fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. 厄庇墨透斯的家里放着一个瓮,里面装着一些害人精。他因为一直忙着打点人类在新住地安身,还没有顾得上处理它们。
- A little push in the right direction can make a big difference. 往正确的航向迈进一小步便是一次重大变迁的开始.
- When you get nervous, push in a lunging position against a wall . 当你紧张时,以前冲的姿势用力推墙。
- Push in center with your thumb, place the cranberry on top. 用拇指在球中央压个凹坑,装入越橘。
- Because of other commitments I can only write my book in fits and starts. 因为我有其他的事要做,所以这本书只能时写时辍。
- A burst of speed; wind blowing in fitful bursts. 速度猛增;阵阵劲吹的风
- He had us all in fits (of laughter)with his jokes. 他的笑话使我们都笑得前仰后合。
- The radio works in fits and starts. 这收音机时好时坏。
- From there I gained a real interest in fitness. 从那时起,我真的对健身产生了兴趣。
- A wild burst of laughter. PUSH IN on Red. Feeling melancholy. 哄堂大笑,镜头推向瑞德,表情消沉。
- The whole party exploded in fits of mirth. 众人听了,哄堂大笑起来。