- He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. 他挤到了人群的前面。
- I push to the front and hug the Ping Ping to lead the remaining wooden clansmen to flush away towards the mountain valley entrance direction. 我一马当先,抱着萍萍,带领着残余的木族人朝着山谷入口的方向冲去。
- The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom. 老师让我把座位挪到教室的最前面去坐。
- A headline on the front page draws attention to the fuller story inside. 扉页上的大字标题为的是吸引你注意里面的详细内容。
- The big car swept up the drive to the front of the house. 那辆大轿车稳稳地顺著车道驶到房子前面。
- The cavalry charged to the front. 骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。
- A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front. 一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。
- Rams have a habit of pushing to the front of the line, both literally and figuratively. 白羊:羊儿做什么事都急于求成。
- The man got to the front in a most rude manner, by shouldering his way through. 那人非常精鲁地用肩膀撞开人群挤到了前面。
- He resolutely went back to the front. 他毅然决然地重返前线。
- To face the challenge of the new century and impact of the global integrated tide, the human resources have already been pushed to the front position. 面对新世纪的挑战和全球一体化浪潮的冲击,人力资源已被推到前沿位置。
- I hustled to the front with all my strength. 我奋力挤到了前面。
- It was during this period that Financial Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen was pushed to the front of this financial storm. 正是在这期间,金融部长曾荫权被推到了金融风暴的风口浪尖。
- "Pushes to the front achieves immediate success" "the vigorous and exuberant spirit" "source of wealth to be billowing" Timi Eigh... 一马当先马到成功,八大巨星,卓依婷,财源滚滚,龙马精神
- We must make a push to get the job done. 我们必须加把劲把这事完成。
- The young actor is rapidly coming to the front. 这位青年演员很快就崭露头角。
- He edged to the front of the crowd. 他侧身挤到了人群前头。
- Are you tired and are pushed to the side? 你累了吗?是不是感觉到了孤独?
- Figure three this named “the heroic `link ' poly a hall” the picture photography on August 16, Jamaican contestant Boulter pushes to the front in the men's 100 meters finals. 图三这张名为“英雄‘环’聚一堂”的照片拍摄于8月16日,牙买加选手博尔特在男子100米决赛中一马当先。
- The battle area closest to the enemy; the front. 前线,前沿阵地最靠近敌人的战斗区; 前线