- pursuing an official career 仕进
- She pushed her son to pursue an academic career. 她督促儿子从事学术。
- the ups and downs of an official career 仕途沉浮
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
- vicissitudes of an official career 宦海沉浮
- He is an official at the local bank. 他是这家地方银行的高级职员。
- An official enquiry into the incident was launched. 官方对这一事件进行了调查。
- The document purports to be an official statement. 该文件据称是一项正式声明。
- An announcement in an official journal. 政府公报中的一个声明
- First, I am going to pursue an MBA degree. 首先,我打算攻读一个MBA(工商管理硕士)的学位。
- he who excels in study can follow an official career 学而优则仕 (
- He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life. 他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。
- an official career fraught with difficulties and danger 仕途多蹇
- I have no further official career. 我不打算再过官场生涯。
- The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner. 警方正在追捕一名越狱的逃犯。
- An official who carries a mace of office. (为高官)持权杖者持有代表官职的权杖的官员
- He started his official career as a diplomat. 他从当外交官起开始了他的从政生涯。
- Most people who pursue an academic career do so because they are fascinated by their subject. 很多人之所以会不懈追求学术事业高峰,是因为他们被所从事的研究深深吸引住。
- Men like to pursue an elusive woman, like a cake of wet soap in a bathtub- even men who hate bath. 男人们喜欢追逐那些象浴缸里的湿肥皂般难以捉摸的女人,即使是讨厌洗澡的男人也无不如此。
- An official literary form of Norwegian based on written Danish. 博克马尔语基于丹麦书面语的挪威政府书面形式