- The translation is clear and lucid. 译文明畅。
- She is a woman of purity and goodness. 她是一个纯洁善良的女人。
- She was a woman of purity and goodness. 她是一位纯洁善良的妇女。
- White symbolizes purity and cleanness. 白色代表纯洁和干净。
- purity and lucidity 清新明快
- Ingredient: Almond and Lucid Ganoderma extracted liquid etc. 主要成份:杏仁、灵芝萃取液、活性酵母精华、木瓜酵素。
- Does it look like a return to purity and simplicity? 是不是有点返璞归真的感觉呢?
- The Seagull brings you the world of purity and love. 蓝色的爱,清清世界。
- The sacred snowdrop has long been a symbol of purity and hope. 圣洁的雪花莲久远以来就是纯洁和希望的象征。
- Borger: GOP faces choice between purity and new ideas. 博格:共和党在纯洁和新的想法之间面对着选择.
- "But Indra was displeased to see Satya-tapa's purity and elevation. “但是因陀罗不喜欢看到Satya-tapa的纯粹和崇高。
- The white in the shoes symbolizes purity and cleanness. 球鞋中的白色象征着纯洁和洁白。
- In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art. 我将终生以纯洁及神圣的态度来执行医术。
- The several pearl-like stones are of high purity and can fetch a high price. 这几粒琅玕的成色很好,可以卖个好价钱。
- Within the circle is the lily;the symbol of purity and also of the Virgin Mary. 圆环内有荷花,标记着纯洁,亦是童贞圣母玛利亚的表号。
- He will feel cosmic of limpidity and lucidity, feel know no bounds of world with amiability. 他会感觉到宇宙的清澄与明朗,感到世界的无边际与可爱。
- Special bio-ferment technology assure high purity and good biocompatibility. 特有的生物发酵提取技术确保产品的高纯度和良好的生物相容性。
- Solely the balance between evidence and lyricism can allow us to achieve simultaneously emotion and lucidity. 只有实证和抒情之间的平衡才能使我们同时获得情感和清醒。
- The ways how to improve the purity and yield of mesitylene were discussed. 探讨了提高均三甲苯产品纯度和收率的途径。
- Purity and dignity of our holy vesture are brought out in the fine linen. 我们圣洁衣裳的纯净和高贵完全展现在细麻布上。