- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- We must not condemn her on pure supposition. 我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。
- Don't believe what he's saying it's pure bunkum. 别相信他的话--纯粹是胡说八道。
- Bill wave his hand to us and then drive away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。
- Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band. 第二广播电台可在长波段收听到。
- A long hot bath can be pure luxury. 洗个痛快的热水澡可真是一种至高的享受。
- The fields were all covered with pure white snow. 白雪皑皑,铺满田野。
- I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。
- The condition or quality of being pure or chaste. 纯洁纯洁或贞洁的状况或者品质
- A wave broke across the surface of the pool. 一个波浪从池水表面掠过。
- I was able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。
- That new lamp they've bought is pure kitsch. 他们新买的那盏灯真俗气。
- The tidal wave formed a terrifying wall of water. 海啸形成一堵骇人的水墙。
- Besides, it's make of pure wool, very soft. 另外,这是纯羊毛的,手感柔和。
- See if you can wave down a taxi. 你挥手,看看能否让出租车停下。
- The boat was swamped with a huge wave. 一个巨浪淹没了那条船。
- On the smooth wave in trembling beauty sleep. 在微浪的美妙颤抖中缓缓合目。
- It's make of pure wool, very soft. 这是纯羊毛的,非常软。
- She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。